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Most expensive
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Delivery driver
Toronto Pizza located in Larnaka, is Looking for experienced delivery driver Only for people wanting part time job 6.30 p.m- 10.30 p.m!! Must have valid papers, motorbike license and to be able to work in Cyprus!! For more information call!!
12.10.2024 12:24,
Larnaca, Larnaka - Arch Makarios III
Salary is negotiable
Έμπειρος υδραυλικός/ψυκτικος
GPA Γιάννης Μοκας,
12.10.2024 11:11,
Nicosia, Latsia - Agios Eleftherios
Τεχνίτης κτίστης με εμπειρία
Κτίστης έμπειρος τουλάχιστο 10 χρόνια εμπειρία
GPA Γιάννης Μοκας,
12.10.2024 11:10,
Nicosia, Latsia - Agios Eleftherios
Delivery driver in kokkinotrimithia
If you are looking for a fulfilling career, mixed with professional development opportunities and a competitive salary, look no further!Responsibilities:-Deliver our high-quality products to our customers in a safe, courteous, and a timely manner using our motorbikes.-Provide great customer service.-Perform other in-store duties.Requirements:-Current Cyprus Scooter License (125cc) or Car Driver's License-Previous experience in similar position-Good knowledge of English and Greek-Must be able to work various shifts per week-Ability to work in a team
12.10.2024 08:52,
Nicosia, Kokkinotrimithia
Salary is negotiable
Υπάλληλος φρουταριας
Ζητείται υπάλληλος για φρουταρια σε super market MAS στην περιοχή Γερι στη Λευκωσία. Πληροφορίες μόνο με μύνημα
12.10.2024 07:59,
Nicosia, Geri
Οδηγός φορτηγού
Η εταιρεία Φώτος Φωτιάδης διανομής ζητά να προσλάβει οδηγούς διανομής με δίπλωμα φορτηγού και εργάτες βοηθούς για την διανομή της Λευκωσίας.Προσφέρετε η ποιο ανταγωνιστική αμοιβή στον κλάδο συν 13 μισθό συν bonus κάθε χρόνο.Προσφέρετε επίσης ιατροφαρμακευτική περίθαλψη ταμείο προνοίας ένδυση και υπόδηση και άλλα μικρά δώρα από την εταιρεία.Μισθός βοηθού εργάτη 1050 συν 13 μισθό συν bonus Μισθός οδηγού από 1500-2000 καθαρά.(Μισθός+προμήθεια)Απαραίτητα να μιλάει καλά την Ελληνική γλώσσα.Τηλέφωνο επικοινωνίας Μάριος
11.10.2024 19:07,
Nicosia, Nicosia - Kaimakli
Cashier -ταμίας burger king mall of cyprus
Είσαι άτομο με χαμόγελο και θετική ενέργεια που ψάχνει εργασία για πλήρη ή μερική απασχόληση σε μια δυναμική ομάδα με στόχο την προσωπική ανέλιξη;Τότε είσαι το άτομο που ψάχνουμε! Bring it at Burger King!Θέση: Cashier (Ταμίας)Απαραίτητα προσόντα:Γνώση της Ελληνικής γλώσσας.Ακεραιότητα χαρακτήρα.Ευχάριστη προσωπικότητα και ομαδικό πνεύμα.Θα είσαι υπεύθυνος/η για:Εξυπηρέτηση πελατών και διευθέτηση ταμειακών συναλλαγών και διαδικασιών.Οργάνωση του χώρου των ταμείων και καθαριότητες καταστήματος.Διαχείριση παραγγελιών.Εμείς σου προσφέρουμε:Ευκαιρίες ανάπτυξης καριέρας σε διευθυντικές θέσεις.Εκπτωτική κάρτα για 100+ εστιατόρια του ομίλου.Ευέλικτο περιβάλλον εργασίας.Εκπαίδευση με βάση όλα τα πρότυπα της αλυσίδας.Πλήρης δημόσια ασφάλιση.Πληρωμένη ετήσια άδεια 25 ημερών.Οι υποψήφιοι/ες θα πρέπει να αποστείλουν το βιογραφικό τους στην ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση, δηλώνοντας στο θέμα τον κωδικό ΤΑΜΙΑΣ24.Μόνο οι αιτήσεις που πληρούν τα παραπάνω απαιτούμενα προσόντα θα ληφθούν υπόψη.Όλες οι αιτήσεις αντιμετωπίζονται με απόλυτη εχεμύθεια και χρησιμοποιούνται μόνο για σκοπούς πρόσληψης.
Burger King,
11.10.2024 18:19,
Nicosia, Latsia - Agios Georgios
Salary is negotiable
Kitchen assistant burger king limassol
Θέση: Βοηθός Κουζίνας (Kitchen Assistant) - Burger King Limassol (Makariou)Ποιο είναι το Προφίλ σας:Υψηλή δέσμευση για άριστα αποτελέσματαΟμαδικός/ή παίκτης με ικανότητα αποτελεσματικής επικοινωνίαςΙσχυρή αντοχή με ικανότητα εργασίας σε περιβάλλον με γρήγορο ρυθμόΠροηγούμενη εμπειρία θα θεωρηθεί προσόνΚαλή γνώση Αγγλικής ή/και Ελληνικής ΓλώσσαΚαθήκοντα:Ετοιμάστε και μαγειρέψτε φαγητό σύμφωνα με τα πρότυπα της εταιρείαςΕξασφαλίστε την υψηλότερη ποιότητα υπηρεσιών και εμπειρίας για τους πελάτες σε όλα τα επίπεδαΆριστες συνθήκες καθαρισμού στον χώρο της κουζίναςΤι προσφέρουμε:Ανταγωνιστικός μισθός ανάλογα με την εμπειρίαΕκπαίδευση Α – Ω σε όλες τις πτυχές της θέσηςΠρόγραμμα χρηματοδότησης πανεπιστημίων έως και 75% για περισσότερους από 15 τίτλους πανεπιστημιακών πτυχίωνΕυχάριστο περιβάλλον εργασίαςΕυέλικτες ώρες εργασίαςΕπαγγελματική εξέλιξη μέχρι διευθυντικές θέσειςΕκπτωτική κάρτα έως 40% για 100+ εστιατόριαΟι υποψήφιοι/ες θα πρέπει να αποστείλουν το βιογραφικό τους στην ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση δηλώνοντας στο θέμα τον κωδικό KA2024.
Burger King,
11.10.2024 18:18,
Limassol, Historical Center
Salary is negotiable
Kitchen assistant burger king metropolis mall
Θέση: Βοηθός Κουζίνας (Kitchen Assistant) - Burger King Metropolis MallΠοιο είναι το Προφίλ σας:Υψηλή δέσμευση για άριστα αποτελέσματαΟμαδικός/ή παίκτης με ικανότητα αποτελεσματικής επικοινωνίαςΙσχυρή αντοχή με ικανότητα εργασίας σε περιβάλλον με γρήγορο ρυθμόΠροηγούμενη εμπειρία θα θεωρηθεί προσόνΚαλή γνώση Αγγλικής ή/και Ελληνικής ΓλώσσαΚαθήκοντα:Ετοιμάστε και μαγειρέψτε φαγητό σύμφωνα με τα πρότυπα της εταιρείαςΕξασφαλίστε την υψηλότερη ποιότητα υπηρεσιών και εμπειρίας για τους πελάτες σε όλα τα επίπεδαΆριστες συνθήκες καθαρισμού στον χώρο της κουζίναςΤι προσφέρουμε:Ανταγωνιστικός μισθός ανάλογα με την εμπειρίαΕκπαίδευση Α – Ω σε όλες τις πτυχές της θέσηςΠρόγραμμα χρηματοδότησης πανεπιστημίων έως και 75% για περισσότερους από 15 τίτλους πανεπιστημιακών πτυχίωνΕυχάριστο περιβάλλον εργασίαςΕυέλικτες ώρες εργασίαςΕπαγγελματική εξέλιξη μέχρι διευθυντικές θέσειςΕκπτωτική κάρτα έως 40% για 100+ εστιατόριαΟι υποψήφιοι/ες θα πρέπει να αποστείλουν το βιογραφικό τους στην ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση δηλώνοντας στο θέμα τον κωδικό KA2024.
Burger King,
11.10.2024 18:18,
Larnaca, Drosia
Salary is negotiable
Burger king paphos kitchen assistant
Θέση: Βοηθός Κουζίνας (Kitchen Assistant) - Burger King PaphosΠοιο είναι το Προφίλ σας:Υψηλή δέσμευση για άριστα αποτελέσματαΟμαδικός/ή παίκτης με ικανότητα αποτελεσματικής επικοινωνίαςΙσχυρή αντοχή με ικανότητα εργασίας σε περιβάλλον με γρήγορο ρυθμόΠροηγούμενη εμπειρία θα θεωρηθεί προσόνΚαλή γνώση Αγγλικής ή/και Ελληνικής ΓλώσσαΚαθήκοντα:Ετοιμάστε και μαγειρέψτε φαγητό σύμφωνα με τα πρότυπα της εταιρείαςΕξασφαλίστε την υψηλότερη ποιότητα υπηρεσιών και εμπειρίας για τους πελάτες σε όλα τα επίπεδαΆριστες συνθήκες καθαρισμού στον χώρο της κουζίναςΤι προσφέρουμε:Ανταγωνιστικός μισθός ανάλογα με την εμπειρίαΕκπαίδευση Α – Ω σε όλες τις πτυχές της θέσηςΠρόγραμμα χρηματοδότησης πανεπιστημίων έως και 75% για περισσότερους από 15 τίτλους πανεπιστημιακών πτυχίωνΕυχάριστο περιβάλλον εργασίαςΕυέλικτες ώρες εργασίαςΕπαγγελματική εξέλιξη μέχρι διευθυντικές θέσειςΕκπτωτική κάρτα έως 40% για 100+ εστιατόριαΟι υποψήφιοι/ες θα πρέπει να αποστείλουν το βιογραφικό τους στην ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση δηλώνοντας στο θέμα τον κωδικό KA2024.
Burger King,
11.10.2024 18:18,
Paphos, Tombs Of the Kings
Salary is negotiable
Kitchen assistant burger king phinikoudes
Θέση: Βοηθός Κουζίνας (Kitchen Assistant) - Burger King PhinikoudesΠοιο είναι το Προφίλ σας:Υψηλή δέσμευση για άριστα αποτελέσματαΟμαδικός/ή παίκτης με ικανότητα αποτελεσματικής επικοινωνίαςΙσχυρή αντοχή με ικανότητα εργασίας σε περιβάλλον με γρήγορο ρυθμόΠροηγούμενη εμπειρία θα θεωρηθεί προσόνΚαλή γνώση Αγγλικής ή/και Ελληνικής ΓλώσσαΚαθήκοντα:Ετοιμάστε και μαγειρέψτε φαγητό σύμφωνα με τα πρότυπα της εταιρείαςΕξασφαλίστε την υψηλότερη ποιότητα υπηρεσιών και εμπειρίας για τους πελάτες σε όλα τα επίπεδαΆριστες συνθήκες καθαρισμού στον χώρο της κουζίναςΤι προσφέρουμε:Ανταγωνιστικός μισθός ανάλογα με την εμπειρίαΕκπαίδευση Α – Ω σε όλες τις πτυχές της θέσηςΠρόγραμμα χρηματοδότησης πανεπιστημίων έως και 75% για περισσότερους από 15 τίτλους πανεπιστημιακών πτυχίωνΕυχάριστο περιβάλλον εργασίαςΕυέλικτες ώρες εργασίαςΕπαγγελματική εξέλιξη μέχρι διευθυντικές θέσειςΕκπτωτική κάρτα έως 40% για 100+ εστιατόριαΟι υποψήφιοι/ες θα πρέπει να αποστείλουν το βιογραφικό τους στην ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση δηλώνοντας στο θέμα τον κωδικό KA2024.
Burger King,
11.10.2024 18:17,
Larnaca, Larnaka - Finikoudes
Salary is negotiable
Truck driver/packer
11.10.2024 17:01,
Limassol, Polemidia Kato
Πρεσαδορος καθαριστηριου ρουχων
Ζητείται Πρεσαδόρος Για Καθαριστήριο Ρούχων.Να Μιλά Παρα Πολύ καλα την Ελληνική.Ωράριο Επικοινωνίας 07 00 - 18 00Μέρες Επικοινωνίας Δευτέρα Με Παρασκευή
11.10.2024 16:35,
Limassol, Limassol - Tsiflikoudia
Salary is negotiable
Οδηγος φορτοεκφορτωτης καθαριστηριου ρουχων
Ζητείται Οδηγός Φορτοεκφορτωτής Για Καθαριστήριο Ρούχων Αμεση ΠρόσληψηΩράριο Επικοινωνίας 07.00 - 18.00
11.10.2024 16:33,
Limassol, Limassol - Tsiflikoudia
Salary is negotiable
Part-time face painter in limassol
Looking for a part-time Face Painter in Limassol. Send your CV and WhatsApp/Viber number to my email, please.
11.10.2024 16:33,
Limassol, Limassol - Neapolis
Salary is negotiable
Part time cleaner for villa in polis
For POLIS Part time experienced cleaner wanted for 2-3 times a week for Villa in Polis must have own transport and be experienced honest and very reliable.2-3 times a week 3-4 hours each time must be bale to work flexible hours preferable mornings.Must be EU resident with permission to work in Cyprus8.00 per hour
11.10.2024 16:31,
Paphos, Polis Chrysochous
Salary is negotiable
Part time general maintanance gardening
For POLIS wanted General maintenance with gardening knowledge wanted for Private villa in Sandy beach villas in Limni area in Polis Chrysohous.Must live in the area of Polis and have experience in handyman and gardening work and be able to work flexible hours and live in Cyprus permanently.Mature/ Senior person would be suitable.3-4 times per week 4 -5 hours each time looking after the villa garden and general maintenance.Must have permission to work in Cyprus EU resident Euros 7.00 per hour. Please send detail CV to our email.Must be EU resident with permission to work in Cyprus
11.10.2024 16:27,
Paphos, Polis Chrysochous
Salary is negotiable
Cleaning woman for pissouri
cleaning lady wanted, only someone who knows how to clean, for a house in pissouri, each time i'll need at least 4 hours(i can pick up from lemesos or village close by)
11.10.2024 15:31,
Limassol, Pissouri
Kitchen assistant
Kitchen assistant wanted for Italian restaurant/venue in Chloraka, experience needed but not necessary.Required training will be provided.part time or full time Apply within
11.10.2024 15:17,
Paphos, Chlorakas
Salary is negotiable
Sales assistant/cashier
Job Overview: Deventor is seeking a friendly and design-savvy individual to join our team as a Customer Service & Showroom Consultant. This role is perfect for someone with a passion for interior decor and a flair for assisting clients in selecting products for their homes and events. The ideal candidate will provide expert advice, maintain a beautifully arranged showroom, and ensure an exceptional customer experience. Key Responsibilities: Greet and assist clients as they enter the showroom, ensuring a warm and welcoming experience. Offer advice on product selection, guiding clients in choosing the best combinations for their décor needs. Maintain a visually appealing showroom by placing items on display stands to highlight product quality and trends. Assist in seasonal showroom design changes, such as during Christmas or special events. Handle cashier duties, ensuring all transactions are processed efficiently and accurately. Provide exceptional customer service, resolving any inquiries or issues with a positive and proactive attitude. Requirements: A good eye for interior and home decor design. Fluency in English and Greek; Russian is a bonus. Basic computer knowledge. A pleasant, friendly, and happy demeanor. Prior experience in customer service or retail is a bonus, but not required. Benefits: Competitive salary. 13th salary. Friendly and supportive work environment. 22 days of paid annual leave.
Charis Hadjigeorgiou,
11.10.2024 14:33,
Limassol, Limassol - Omonia
Salary is negotiable
Cashier pizza hut dali
WHAT WE OFFER / ΤΙ ΠΡΟΣΦΕΡΟΥΜΕ• Flexible working environment/ Ευέλικτο ωράριο εργασίας• A-Z training in all aspects relevant to the position/ Πλήρης εκπαίδευση σε όλους τους τομείς που σχετίζονται με τη θέση• Career opportunities/ Ευκαιρίες ανέλιξης• Discount card for more than 100 restaurants of PHC Group/ Εκπτωτική κάρτα για περισσότερα από 100 εστιατόρια του ομίλου της PHC• Full coverage of Social insurance/ Πλήρης κάλυψη της κοινωνικής ασφάλισης• Free Uniform/Δωρεάν ΣτολήREQUIREMENTS/ΑΠΑΡΑΙΤΗΤΑ ΠΡΟΣΟΝΤΑ• Necessary Knowledge of Greek and English language/ Γνώση Ελληνικής και Αγγλικής γλώσσας• Up to 75% of University Funding/ Χορηγία σπουδών μέχρι 75%• Previous experience will be considered as an advantage/ Προηγούμενη πείρα θα θεωρηθεί ως επιπρόσθετο προσόν
Pizza Hut,
11.10.2024 13:54,
Nicosia, Dali
Salary is negotiable
Waiters- paphos
WHAT WE OFFER / ΤΙ ΠΡΟΣΦΕΡΟΥΜΕ• Flexible working environment/ Ευέλικτο ωράριο εργασίας• A-Z training in all aspects relevant to the position/ Πλήρης εκπαίδευση σε όλους τους τομείς που σχετίζονται με τη θέση• Career opportunities/ Ευκαιρίες ανέλιξης• Discount card for more than 100 restaurants of PHC Group/ Εκπτωτική κάρτα για περισσότερα από 100 εστιατόρια του ομίλου της PHC• Full coverage of Social insurance/ Πλήρης κάλυψη της κοινωνικής ασφάλισης• Free Uniform/Δωρεάν ΣτολήREQUIREMENTS/ΑΠΑΡΑΙΤΗΤΑ ΠΡΟΣΟΝΤΑ• Necessary Knowledge of Greek and English language/ Γνώση Ελληνικής και Αγγλικής γλώσσας• Up to 75% of University Funding/ Χορηγία σπουδών μέχρι 75%• Previous experience will be considered as an advantage/ Προηγούμενη πείρα θα θεωρηθεί ως επιπρόσθετο προσόν
Pizza Hut,
11.10.2024 13:53,
Paphos, Tombs Of the Kings
Salary is negotiable
Part time waitress
we are looking for a part time waitress only morning shifts 2 or 3days in the restaurant (6.30-12.00)1 day in the kitchen (5.30-11.30)breakfast only
11.10.2024 13:53,
Larnaca, Larnaka - Finikoudes
Salary is negotiable
Shift leader limassol pizza hut
If you are ready to take the next step in your career and advance as a professional in the hospitality industry then look no further. Pizza Hut is ready to meet you, get to know you and offer you an opportunity along with a structure training plan so your next big step will be with us!Looking for people to join an amazing team of professionals that will become your second family, train you, teach you and prepare you to take over your new role!Send your application and this could be the start of something new!Your role:You will lead the shift along with your team and the Restaurant General Manager from all aspects in order to ensure the smooth operation of the restaurant.You will have to ensure your team maintains the brand standards, and enhance a customer-oriented culture by inspiring your team to always provide an excellent customer service with a smile.Your profile:• You are a team player• You enjoy providing the best customer service with a smile• Good knowledge of Greek and English• Basic Computer knowledge• Any previous experience in the hospitality industry will be considered as an advantage• You like to share ideas with your team and achieve even more togetherWe will offer you:• Competitive salary based on market standards• A Full paid structured training for the role and duties• 25 days of paid annual leave to enjoy your holidays• A Free Staff meal per day• Your own personal Discount card for 100+ restaurants in the group, so you can enjoy even more with along with your friends and family• A Bonus based on your performance• Up to 75% of university funding, for your studies in one of the best Universities in Cyprus• The opportunity to further develop, sky is the limit!Applicants should send their CVAll applications will be handled with strict confidence and used for recruitment purposes only.
Pizza Hut,
11.10.2024 13:53,
Limassol, Limassol Marina
Salary is negotiable
Waiter pizza hut finikoudes
WHAT WE OFFER / ΤΙ ΠΡΟΣΦΕΡΟΥΜΕ• Flexible working environment/ Ευέλικτο ωράριο εργασίας• A-Z training in all aspects relevant to the position/ Πλήρης εκπαίδευση σε όλους τους τομείς που σχετίζονται με τη θέση• Career opportunities/ Ευκαιρίες ανέλιξης• Discount card for more than 100 restaurants of PHC Group/ Εκπτωτική κάρτα για περισσότερα από 100 εστιατόρια του ομίλου της PHC• Full coverage of Social insurance/ Πλήρης κάλυψη της κοινωνικής ασφάλισης• Free Uniform/Δωρεάν ΣτολήREQUIREMENTS/ΑΠΑΡΑΙΤΗΤΑ ΠΡΟΣΟΝΤΑ• Necessary Knowledge of Greek and English language/ Γνώση Ελληνικής και Αγγλικής γλώσσας• Up to 75% of University Funding/ Χορηγία σπουδών μέχρι 75%• Previous experience will be considered as an advantage/ Προηγούμενη πείρα θα θεωρηθεί ως επιπρόσθετο προσόν
Pizza Hut,
11.10.2024 13:53,
Larnaca, Larnaka - Finikoudes
Salary is negotiable
Waiters- limassol
WHAT WE OFFER / ΤΙ ΠΡΟΣΦΕΡΟΥΜΕ• Flexible working environment/ Ευέλικτο ωράριο εργασίας• A-Z training in all aspects relevant to the position/ Πλήρης εκπαίδευση σε όλους τους τομείς που σχετίζονται με τη θέση• Career opportunities/ Ευκαιρίες ανέλιξης• Discount card for more than 100 restaurants of PHC Group/ Εκπτωτική κάρτα για περισσότερα από 100 εστιατόρια του ομίλου της PHC• Full coverage of Social insurance/ Πλήρης κάλυψη της κοινωνικής ασφάλισης• Free Uniform/Δωρεάν ΣτολήREQUIREMENTS/ΑΠΑΡΑΙΤΗΤΑ ΠΡΟΣΟΝΤΑ• Necessary Knowledge of Greek and English language/ Γνώση Ελληνικής και Αγγλικής γλώσσας• Up to 75% of University Funding/ Χορηγία σπουδών μέχρι 75%• Previous experience will be considered as an advantage/ Προηγούμενη πείρα θα θεωρηθεί ως επιπρόσθετο προσόν
Pizza Hut,
11.10.2024 13:52,
Limassol, Germasogeia
Salary is negotiable
Kitchen assistant- limassol
WHAT WE OFFER / ΤΙ ΠΡΟΣΦΕΡΟΥΜΕ• Flexible working environment/ Ευέλικτο ωράριο εργασίας• A-Z training in all aspects relevant to the position/ Πλήρης εκπαίδευση σε όλους τους τομείς που σχετίζονται με τη θέση• Career opportunities/ Ευκαιρίες ανέλιξης• Discount card for more than 100 restaurants of PHC Group/ Εκπτωτική κάρτα για περισσότερα από 100 εστιατόρια του ομίλου της PHC• Full coverage of Social insurance/ Πλήρης κάλυψη της κοινωνικής ασφάλισης• Free Uniform/Δωρεάν ΣτολήREQUIREMENTS/ΑΠΑΡΑΙΤΗΤΑ ΠΡΟΣΟΝΤΑ• Necessary Knowledge of Greek and English language/ Γνώση Ελληνικής και Αγγλικής γλώσσας• Up to 75% of University Funding/ Χορηγία σπουδών μέχρι 75%• Previous experience will be considered as an advantage/ Προηγούμενη πείρα θα θεωρηθεί ως επιπρόσθετο προσόν
Pizza Hut,
11.10.2024 13:52,
Limassol, Limassol - Mesa Geitonia
Salary is negotiable
Waiter pizza hut larnaca
WHAT WE OFFER / ΤΙ ΠΡΟΣΦΕΡΟΥΜΕ• Flexible working environment/ Ευέλικτο ωράριο εργασίας• A-Z training in all aspects relevant to the position/ Πλήρης εκπαίδευση σε όλους τους τομείς που σχετίζονται με τη θέση• Career opportunities/ Ευκαιρίες ανέλιξης• Discount card for more than 100 restaurants of PHC Group/ Εκπτωτική κάρτα για περισσότερα από 100 εστιατόρια του ομίλου της PHC• Full coverage of Social insurance/ Πλήρης κάλυψη της κοινωνικής ασφάλισης• Free Uniform/Δωρεάν ΣτολήREQUIREMENTS/ΑΠΑΡΑΙΤΗΤΑ ΠΡΟΣΟΝΤΑ• Necessary Knowledge of Greek and English language/ Γνώση Ελληνικής και Αγγλικής γλώσσας• Up to 75% of University Funding/ Χορηγία σπουδών μέχρι 75%• Previous experience will be considered as an advantage/ Προηγούμενη πείρα θα θεωρηθεί ως επιπρόσθετο προσόν
Pizza Hut,
11.10.2024 13:52,
Larnaca, Larnaka - Skala
Salary is negotiable
Cleaner for house twice a week x 6h
cleaner for House twice a week x 6h
Kyriakos H,
11.10.2024 13:23,
Nicosia, Tseri
Open kitchen sandwich maker
Larnaca staff Needed staff / cooks / Sandwich maker Morning and night shift Times : 10am - 6pm Night 6pm - 2am Experience on similar job is a plus Registration papers : ID / passport arrival / house agreement / college or asylum papers needed . Call or whats up number
George Demetriou,
11.10.2024 13:06,
Larnaca, Larnaka - Harbor
Salary is negotiable
Sandwich maker / cook
Marantona Sandwich Larnaca is looking to hire people to join our team as a prep cook / sandwich maker Needed for night shift from 6pm to 2am 6 days a week job 1 off mondays Previous experience at a similar job Call or text whatsup George
George Demetriou,
11.10.2024 13:06,
Larnaca, Larnaka - Harbor
Salary is negotiable
Hotel kitchen assistant
Hotel in Limassol is looking for kitchen assistants for its kitchen.Previous experience is a must.Applications with valid work permits will be considered.
11.10.2024 13:00,
Limassol, Germasogeia Tourist Area
Salary is negotiable
Kitchen staff wanted for pizza shop latsia
Kitchen staff wanted FOR PARTIME LATSIA store . Only from INDIA, NEPAL,PAKISTAN with student vissa. The seeker must speak very good English
11.10.2024 12:54,
Nicosia, Latsia - Agios Georgios
Salary is negotiable
Barista for boba milk tea shop old town limassol
Greet and welcome customersPresent menus and provide detailed information Know how to use order machine (Bolt, Wolt, Foody) and POS machine. Make and serve drinks at the shop and for online order. Check the stock everyday and keep stock clean and tidyMaintain clean & tidy working area and equipmentFollow all relevant Health & Safety Protocols & Policies
Boba Milk Tea The 1972,
11.10.2024 12:23,
Limassol, Limassol - Agia Zoni
Salary is negotiable
Office assistant
-Able to communicate fluently with colleagues and customers in Chinese, as well as in English.-Answering phone calls, messages and emails.-Managing a clients' database and preparing reports Schedule proper meetings between clients and real estate agents.- Able to drive independently, receive customers for local business visits, such as itinerary planning, airport transfers, dining arrangements, etc.-Create and update physical and digital files-Keep the office clean and well-organized-Have basic knowledge of advertising in social media-Basic computer skills knowledge.Must be professional, pleasant and hard working individual.Salary will be discussed once you are selected for the position as there are bonuses to the position.
11.10.2024 12:21,
Limassol, Limassol - Agios Ioannis
Barista for boba milk tea shop
Boba Milk Tea The 1972 at Limassol Old Town is looking for barista with experience in coffee and boba milk tea shop. Greet and welcome customersPresent menus and provide detailed information Know how to use the order machine (Foody, Bolt, Wolt), POS software. Make and serve drinks according to customers order at the shopMaintain clean & tidy working area and equipmentCheck the stock everyday and keep the stock clean and tidy. Follow all relevant Health & Safety Protocols & Policies
Boba Milk Tea The 1972,
11.10.2024 12:19,
Limassol, Limassol - Agia Zoni
Salary is negotiable
Get-in kiosk , περίπτερο
Ζητούνται ευχάριστα άτομα, για μόνιμη απασχόληση σε περίπτερο στα Λατσιά.Απολαβές 1250€ το μήνα καθαράΩράριο: 6:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00Απαιτούμενα Προσόντα:Πολύ καλή γνώση της Ελληνικής γλώσσαςΕυχάριστη ΠροσωπικότηταΔυνατότητα για ευέλικτο ωράριοΓιάννη Κρανιδιώτη 55, Λατσιά
11.10.2024 12:16,
Nicosia, Latsia - Agios Georgios
Salary is negotiable
Make-up artist
Luxury Beauty saloon in LIMASSOL require Make-up Artist with experience
11.10.2024 11:03,
Limassol, Limassol - Katholiki
Senior qa software test automation engineer
Our client is an international financial services company with a wide range of expertise in Banking, Finance, IT and Social Media Marketing. They are looking for a high-calibre and experienced Senior QA Software Test Automation Engineer to join their team in Limassol, Cyprus.Job ResponsibilitiesUnderstanding business requirements, features, and technical implementationEnhancing software delivery and quality throughout the entire software development cycleDesigning, developing and modifying functional test solutionsExecuting test cases and reporting testing status to project teamsTracking issues and driving resolutions throughout the testing processManaging in-house testing documentationRequirementsBSc/MSc in computer scienceMinimum 4 years of experience in quality assurance and test automationPractical experience in software development will be a plusExperience in agile software development methodologies and testing proceduresPractical experience with Selenium, Katalon, or any similar toolsStrong interpersonal and organizational skillsExcellent written and verbal skills in English Enjoy:Attractive remuneration packagePrivate health insuranceIntellectually stimulating work environmentContinuous professional development
Golden Careers Recruitment,
11.10.2024 10:22,
Limassol, Limassol - Agios Nicolaos
Salary is negotiable
Software developer
Our client is an international financial services company with a wide range of expertise in Banking, Finance, IT and Social Media Marketing. They are looking for a Software Developer Frontend or Backend to join their team in Limassol, Cyprus.Job ResponsibilitiesWork as part of a SCRUM team along with the SCRUM Master, Product Owner, User experience designer to design, decompose, implement, and release high end systemsImplement new features, and enhance existing functionalities according to business specifications for the company’s cloud based P2P lending platform and its supporting softwareDesign and develop effective REST APIsDevelop front end website, work closely with UX Designer to design user interactionsEnsure that code meets software development and quality standards and fits into the continuous release processTake part in Agile ceremonies such as daily Stand-Ups, Development refinement, Planning and estimation and Sprint ReviewsProvide production support and handle tickets raised by internal usersWrite technical documentationResearch and adapt new technologies that add value to the team and the productRequirementsAgile software development experienceKnowledge of Golang or any other modern backend language at any level (e.g., Java, C#, C/C++)Knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScriptReact.js or any other modern JavaScript framework (e.g., Angular.js, Vue.js)Knowledge of relational databases (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, MSSQL, Amazon Aurora)Understanding of data structures and algorithms, relational databases, unit testing with mocks, event-driven and service oriented architecturesFamiliarity with Git, CI/CD and virtualization
Golden Careers Recruitment,
11.10.2024 10:21,
Limassol, Limassol - Agios Nicolaos
Salary is negotiable
Sales and brands administrator
Our client is a high-tech solutions provider and the exclusive distributor for the best in class range of technology, intelligent building solutions, electronics, audio/video and security products. They are looking for a skilled Sales and Brands Administrator to join their team in Nicosia.Job ResponsibilitiesResponsible for sellers and dealersCustomer serviceStock and warehouse controlSuppliers communication and ordersTake over a sales territoryManage existing accountsMeet sales goals and ensure high level of customer satisfactionRequirementsFluent Greek and EnglishComputer literate in Google Apps and MS OfficeElectrical Engineering Degree will be considered a plusExperience in audio/video systems will be considered a plusExperience in Technology systems will be considered a plusSales Experience will be considered a plusStrong communication Skills
Golden Careers Recruitment,
11.10.2024 10:19,
Nicosia, Nicosia - Kaimakli
Salary is negotiable
Design engineer
Our client is a leading electronic systems integration company in Cyprus operating in both the residential and commercial markets. Solutions include Automation, Audio/Video, Energy, Lighting and Security systems. They design, supply and install innovative technology solutions for residential and commercial projects (hotels, restaurants, bars etc).Job ResponsibilitiesDesign automation, audio, video, home cinema and security systemsPlan, install, test and commission automation, audio, video, home cinema and security systemsManage and schedule resources for projectsManage a team of Technicians/EngineersLiaise with contractors and clients about the projectsLiaise with customers for projects and technical supportMaintain high standards of quality and efficiencyRequirementsElectrical Engineering/IT diploma/undergraduate degreePrior technical field experience will be considered a plusExperience in audio/video systems will be considered a plusExperience in security will be considered a plusNetworking and IP Systems experience requiredPrior Autocad will be considered a plusFluent in Greek and EnglishComputer Literate in MS Office Benefits:13th SalaryCareer Opportunity in an evolving company and marketModern and Dynamic work environmentAttractive packages based on experience and qualifications
Golden Careers Recruitment,
11.10.2024 10:18,
Nicosia, Nicosia - Kaimakli
Salary is negotiable
Experienced cook - cafe toucan
Hot Kitchen Cook Wanted for Café Toucan Team 📍 Limassol, Agias Zonis We are looking for a cook with kitchen experience, who can maintain order and work effectively under high-pressure conditions. Experience in preparing breakfasts is preferred. Salary is negotiable and will be determined based on your experience and qualifications. Friendly, growing team, good working conditions. Message for details and interview 📩
11.10.2024 10:18,
Limassol, Limassol - Agia Zoni
Salary is negotiable
Systems programmer
Our client is a leading electronic systems integration company in Cyprus operating in both theresidential and commercial markets. Solutions include Automation, Audio/Video, Energy, Lighting andSecurity systems. They design, supply and install innovative technology solutions for residential andcommercial projects .Job ResponsibilitiesProgramming of SmartBuilding & SmartHome SystemsLighting systems Programming of shading systemsProgramming of networkProgramming of security systemsRequirementsKNX Partner considered an advantageKnowledge of Networking and IPFluent in Greek and EnglishBachelor’s Degree in engineering or computer science is considered an advantageComputer Literate in MS OfficeExperienced and good knowledge of Audio and Video Systems will be considered an advantageExperience in Security, CCTV and Access Control Installations will be considered an advantageAbility to read and understand schematic drawings and blueprintsWork responsibility and excellent organizational skills BenefitsCareer Opportunity in an evolving company and marketModern and Dynamic work environmentAttractive packages based on experience and qualifications
Golden Careers Recruitment,
11.10.2024 10:18,
Nicosia, Nicosia - Kaimakli
Salary is negotiable
German client relationship manager
Our client is a CySEC regulated investment firm with offices in Limassol as well as abroad. They are currently looking for an experienced Client Relationship Manager to engage with key customers by building and preserving trusting relationships. The successful candidate will constantly identify opportunities to grow the customer base and build positive relationships with new clients.Job ResponsibilitiesImplement strategies to increase the client baseResponding to all client's requests either by telephone, chat system, or email in a polite and professional manner.Open and maintain customer accounts by recording account information.Contributing to team effort by accomplishing related results as needed.Manage large amounts of incoming calls, emails, and chats.Follow all the corporate communication procedures, guidelines, and policies.Further training is provided by the companyRequirements Native German speakerProven experience with client relations will be considered an advantage but not so necessary as a persistent desire to be a professional in this field.A strategic way of thinkingCustomer orientation and ability to adapt and respond to different types of charactersComputer literacyThe ability to work both alone and as a part of a team is essentialAttention to detail and quality of workAbility to work under pressure, multi-task, and adhere to strict details.The candidate should be highly organized and detail-oriented
Golden Careers Recruitment,
11.10.2024 10:16,
Limassol, Limassol - Agios Nicolaos
Grocery associate limassol
Calling all team-players - are you looking for a flexible role that could shape the future of retail? If so, then let’s talk! The role you are looking at is a part of Wolt Market - our very own grocery stores that deliver unprecedented convenience and world leading customer experience. Our first Wolt Market store in Cyprus was opened in 2022 and our 6th store was launched in February 2024. We are currently looking for part-time and full-time Retail Grocery Assistants (or Grocery Associates, as we call them) to join our awesome teams in Larnaca, Limassol, Nicosia and Paphos! 🤩 What you’ll be doing Taking in orders through our Merchant app Picking and packing groceries, and handing them to customers and courier partners Unloading food and supplies that we receive from vendors Managing our internal systems which include precise information about nutrients and allergens Maintaining order and cleanliness of the store Our humble expectations You are proactive and a fast learner with the ability to multitask You’ll work in flexible shifts in both morning and evening shifts across weekdays and weekends - our store is open 7 days a week. We require flexibility to work across all our working hours, including weekends and public holidays Experience from working in a grocery store is an advantage! You have a full professional proficiency in English. Fluency in Greek is a plus! You have the right to work in Cyprus What you'll get by joining us Attractive salary package starting from €1050 per month and thirteen salaries per year 21 days of paid leave per year Wolt credits cashback benefit Employee assistance program Excellent working environment Wolt-wide training programs and career development opportunities Fruits and drinks at the Wolt Market Next steps If you are excited about working in a high-growth environment, taking ownership, and being part of an extremely ambitious team, then click below to apply and get the conversation going! We will be reviewing applications on an on-going basis, so if this sounds like an opportunity you want to pursue, apply today!
11.10.2024 10:04,
Limassol, Agios Athanasios
Salary is negotiable
Cook full time
looking for a full time cook for a street food concept at a bar. Social insurance, food for every shift, summer leave and calm working enviroment
11.10.2024 10:02,
Paphos, Paphos - Agios Theodoros
Breakfast cook
BEST WESTERN PLUS LARCO HOTEL is looking for Breakfast cook:-prepare and cook breakfast to a high standard in cooperation with the kitchen staff-Whilst producing quality food, the kitchen must be kept spotlessly clean at all times-Make preparations for lunch / dinner as directed by the executive chef-Liaise with the store manager for the acceptance of deliveries-Fluency in English-At least 3 years experience in similar position
11.10.2024 09:53,
Larnaca, Larnaka - Makenzy
Salary is negotiable
Sales person
Our company has been developping and selling software for more then 40 years in 50+ countries.We have opened a subsidiary in Cyprus this year.We are looking for serious sales persons capable of working autonomously and interested in a earning a steady income via a results based business model with base salary.Idealy with knowledge of the medical market in Cyprus,To be sold is a novel software for independent doctors, physiotherapists, veterinarians, dentists.Welcome as well are sales people active in this market who would like to add our software to their existing portfolio.Inquiries with CV and morivation letter are welcome
11.10.2024 09:30,
Famagusta, Paralimni
Salary is negotiable
Μεταφορείς επίπλων
Η Σιακολας Έπιπλα ζητά να προσλάβει ΜΕΤΑΦΟΡΕΊΣ ΕΠΙΠΛΩΝ, με έδρα την Λευκωσία.
11.10.2024 08:57,
Nicosia, Strovolos - Chryseleousa
Salary is negotiable
Nail technician
NAIL ARTIST (MANICURIST) WANTEDOne of the busiest and most demanded Nail Studios in Paphos, is currently looking for a Nail Artist part time or full time.What we expect from you: • You are energetic and keen to learn the new trends and improve your skillset • You possess excellent customer skills • You speak English at least on a basic level, Russian Language is a plus • You have a nice personality, you are well organized with good manners • You have more than 2 years experience as a Nail Artist • Punctuality and ability to pay attention to all the detailsIn Return we offer: • Good working place and conditions • Materials, working equipment provided by the studio • Friendly management and colleagues • Salary above the industry average • Four or five working days a week on a schedule basis • Large ClienteleIf you are ready for new challenges to work amongst the best specialists in the industry and you feel like that you are the one we are looking for please send us your CV, come to see us, Whatsapp or call us!
11.10.2024 07:40,
Paphos, Paphos - Universal
Salary is negotiable
Accountant - λογίστρια/στής
*Καθήκοντα* * Έλεγχος και καταχώρηση συναλλαγών στο λογιστικό σύστημα * Καταγραφή και αρχειοθέτηση των εγγράφων και των αρχείων * Τήρηση τραπεζικών λογαριασμών και μηνιαία συμφιλίωση με τις καταστάσεις τραπεζών * Ετοιμασία και υποβολή των δηλώσεων ΦΠΑ /Intrastat και VIES * Καταχώρηση στόχων πωλητών μαζί με τους συγκριτικούς στόχους και αποστολή τους σε συνεργασία με το διευθυντή * Ετοιμασία και αποστολή στατιστικών στοιχείων στα αρμόδια τμήματα * Ετοιμασία κοστολογίων *κοστολόγηση παραγωγής * Ετοιμασία οικονομικών καταστάσεων * Γενικά Λογιστικά καθήκοντα
11.10.2024 06:22,
Nicosia, Nicosia - Kaimakli
Salary is negotiable
Client manager
Client ManagerJob Description:We are looking for a client manager with a legal education to interact with our clients, providing them with high-quality service and support. Your role will involve assisting clients at all stages of cooperation, providing legal consultations, and coordinating work with legal documents.Responsibilities:- Interact with clients: provide consultations on legal services offered by the company.- Prepare and review legal documents.- Participate in client negotiations and support contract processes.- Ensure a high level of customer service and client satisfaction.- Maintain the client database and ensure timely updates of information.- Collaborate with the company’s legal and financial departments to resolve client issues.Requirements:- Higher legal education (preferred).- Experience working with legal documents and understanding their structure.- Experience in customer service.- Excellent communication skills and the ability to work with clients.- Attention to detail and ability to organize work processes.- Proficiency in English at Upper-Intermediate level or higher.We offer:- Competitive salary.- Opportunities for professional growth and development.- Friendly team and comfortable working conditions.- Comfortable office in Limassol.- 24 paid vacation days per year and 10 sick days.- Free English language classes.If you want to join our team and possess the necessary skills, please send your resume.
11.10.2024 06:10,
Limassol, Limassol - Agios Nicolaos
Salary is negotiable
Οδηγός βυτιοφόρου
Η εταιρεία μας ΜΑΡΙΝΟΣ ΗΡΑΚΛΕΟΥΣ ΒΟΘΡΟΚΑΡΙΣΤΕΣ ΛΤΔ μεγαλώνει και ζητά να προσλάβει Οδηγούς Βυτιοφόρου στη Λεμεσό. Απαραίτητο Προσόν: Κάτοχος Επαγγελματικής Άδειας Οδηγού Καθήκοντα: Εκτέλεση καθημερινών δρομολογίων Ικανότητα προγραμματισμού εκτέλεσης εργασίων Ευχάριστη Προσωπικότητα Προσφέρεται ελκυστικό πακέτο απολαβών. Τηλέφωνα Επικοινωνίας
Μαρίνος Ηρακλέους Βοθροκαθαριστές ΛΤΔ,
10.10.2024 23:06,
Limassol, Agios Athanasios
Salary is negotiable
Office manager
We, LFT Advisors, are looking for an energetic and organized office manager for our new office in Limassol. The main goal of this position is to ensure the efficient operation of the office, support daily administrative processes, and create a comfortable environment for all employees.Key Responsibilities:- Organize the office's operations: maintain order, oversee supplies (stationery, equipment, water, etc.).- Handle business correspondence and phone calls.- Organize meetings, conferences, and other events.- Collaborate with service providers and contractors.- Monitor the completion of administrative tasks.- Manage internal documentation and coordinate internal processes.Candidate Requirements:- At least 1 year of experience in a similar role.- Excellent communication and organizational skills.- Proficiency in MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint).- Ability to work in a multitasking environment.We offer:- Competitive salary.- Comfortable working conditions in a modern office in the center of Limassol.- Opportunities for professional development and career growth.- A friendly and supportive team.
10.10.2024 22:55,
Limassol, Limassol - Agios Nicolaos
Salary is negotiable
Υπάλληλος περιπτέρου
Ζητείται άμεσα υπάλληλος περιπτέρου στη Λεμεσό. Απαραίτηρη η γνώση Ελληνικής γλώσσας. Προηγούμενη εμπειρία θα θεωρηθεί επιπρόσθετο προσόν. Προσφέρονται ελκυστικές απολαβές. Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες καλέστε.
10.10.2024 22:28,
Limassol, Germasogeia
Salary is negotiable
Teaching english
English Lesson are given at my house. I can help elementary children with their homewoks with great joy. Help with their dictation, vocabulary and essay. I teach them to use their imagination and we have a fun lesson.
10.10.2024 21:20,
Limassol, Limassol - Mesa Geitonia
Salary is negotiable
Salary is negotiable
Ads in category «Jobs» in the Larnaca
- Larnaka - Skala (17)
- Larnaka - Finikoudes (17)
- Larnaka - Kamares (11)
- Larnaka - Makenzy (11)
- Larnaka - Arch Makarios III (9)
- Oroklini (9)
- Aradippou - Apostolos Loukas (8)
- Pyla Tourist Area (8)
- Larnaka - Harbor (7)
- Aradippou - Agios Fanourios (6)
- Larnaka - Agios Nikolaos (5)
- Larnaka - Sotiros (5)
- Drosia (5)
- Larnaka - Chrysopolitissa (3)
- Aradippou - Vlachos (3)
- Kofinou (3)