Ascent board game-real cliffhanger-dont loose you grip.1987.few pieces worldwide

- Condition: Used
PRP €100, NOW €39,95
**Like new condition
Rare and collectible**
**Ascent is a game about getting to the top! It is a game of mountain climbing. Through the play of cards you try an attempt to climb the mountain choosing a route which best suits the resources you have available to you. You may choose one of five routes to climb. Each has its only difficulties and requirements.
Through the use of card play you gradually climb the mountain choosing the best route available to you, surrendering cards as you climb. There is always the possibility of disaster as dictated by possible avalanches which can force you to start all over again from the base camp. The avalanche possibility is dictated by a nice system of die rolls. Roll 2D6, first is the route that is effected from 1 to 5, the second is the increase in avalanche likelihood. Each route has an avalanche dial on the board as the points amass on this dial the likelihood of an avalanche gets nearer. If the dial clicks around to the 12 position an avalanche occurs and it will knock climbers back to base camp who are caught on that route.
Interesting game of tension and resource management with a fair amount of luck thrown in. Nice looking board and cool mountain climbers. Some strategic play possibilities.
8 climbers
Equipment cards
Weather Protection cards coach
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