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Kiosk cashier
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need cashier for mini market in larnaka near finikoudes part time 2 to 10 pm
only europen or with valid work parmit please send massage or CV at gs.ss.partners@gmail.com
Похожие объявления
Cashier - metropolis mall
Flexible working environment/ Ευέλικτο ωράριο εργασίας• A-Z training in all aspects relevant to the position/ Πλήρης εκπαίδευση σε όλους τους τομείς που σχετίζονται με τη θέση• Career opportunities/ Ευκαιρίες ανέλιξης• Discount card for more than 100 restaurants of PHC Group/ Εκπτωτική κάρτα για περισσότερα από 100 εστιατόρια του ομίλου της PHC• Full coverage of Social insurance/ Πλήρης κάλυψη της κοινωνικής ασφάλισηςREQUIREMENTS/ΑΠΑΡΑΙΤΗΤΑ ΠΡΟΣΟΝΤΑ• Necessary Knowledge of Greek and English language/ Γνώση Ελληνικής και Αγγλικής γλώσσας• Up to 75% of University Funding/ Χορηγία σπουδών μέχρι 75%• Previous experience will be considered as an advantage/ Προηγούμενη πείρα θα θεωρηθεί ως επιπρόσθετο προσόν
Taco Bell Cyprus,
17.03.2025 11:38,
Larnaca, Larnaka - Kamares

Cashier - larnaca
Why work at KFC?KFC is looking to recruit Team Members for our restaurants.Our restaurants are run by people who know and love the restaurant business. KFC knows the secret of motivating teams - which can be fun for everyone and contribute to strong sales growth and great customer service. We want people with amazing ideas and people who love to smile.Come and be part of PHC Franchised Restaurants Public Ltd, the largest Group of franchised restaurants in Cyprus.Position: CashierWhat we offer:• Flexible working environment• A-Z training in all aspects relevant to the position• Career development up to managerial positions• Discount card for more than 100 restaurants of the PHC Group• Full coverage of Social insurance• Paid annual leave• Up to 75% of University Funding• Career opportunities• Free UniformMain Responsibilities:• Customer Service• Preparing ordersMain requirements:• Knowledge of English language• Enthusiasm over customer service• Strong work ethic and honesty• Team playerInterested applicants should send their CVAll applications will be handled with strict confidence and used for recruitment purposes only by the HR department
10.03.2025 20:58,
Larnaca, Larnaka - Kamares

Cashier lady part time
Female Cashier needed part time at Carwash/carsales in Larnaca. no experience needed greek optional but prefered and Salary to be discussed.
18.03.2025 22:03,
Larnaca, Larnaka - Chrysopolitissa
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