Discover slovenia lot of 19 books
- None: New
You are looking at a lot of 19 books titled “Discover Slovenia”. They are brand new, informational books filled with illustrations and interesting information. The contents of the book are:
- This is Slovenia
- The Land on the Sunny Side of Alps
- Slovenes through the Ages
- Sovereign Slovenia
- Economic Regeneration
- At the Crossroads if Three Cultures
- Slovene Towns
- Land of Green Touring
- Masters of Individual Sports
- Slovenia in the World
- Basic Data on Slovenia
These books can be used as classroom materials, tourist guides, travel courses, history learning, geography, English language, culture and so much more! Purchase any number of books you want, even individual books. The books are in English only. I can ship anywhere you want with buyer’s expenses. The books are located in Larnaca. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.
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