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Most expensive
Seeking an english-speaking massage therapist with a passion for excellence
| Our requirements· Integrity, a welcoming personality and a strong work ethic· Experience with performing massages, facial treatments and body scrubs· Conversational English, we must be able to communicate well!Our team of six therapists already work very well together, supporting one another to ensure the best outcomes for our clients. Teamwork is essential - lone wolves need not apply. We encourage only those who have professional spa experience and previous work experience as a massage or spa therapist to apply. Training will be provided to you before working on clients.Check the menu on our website for the description of all the massage treatments we provide. | What we offer· Long-term employment· A fixed monthly salary· CommissionWe are a very busy spa, offering a stable, year-round position with an attractive salary package. Great for those looking to move away from seasonal work.This role is available for either 5 or 6 days a week, but you must be able to work on weekends. Days off are fixed, we do not operate on weekly rotas. If required, we can provide temporary accommodation for this role until you find your own place.| Important noteWe do not provide a foreign national work visa as our government quota is full. If you require a foreign national work visa to work in Cyprus, please do not apply. EU passport holders do not require a foreign national work visa.
Zensation Spa,
13.02.2025 17:42,
Limassol, Germasogeia Tourist Area
Salary is negotiable

Cashier - my mall, limassol
Why work at KFC?KFC is looking to recruit Team Members for our restaurants.Our restaurants are run by people who know and love the restaurant business. KFC knows the secret of motivating teams - which can be fun for everyone and contribute to strong sales growth and great customer service. We want people with amazing ideas and people who love to smile.Come and be part of PHC Franchised Restaurants Public Ltd, the largest Group of franchised restaurants in Cyprus.Position: CashierWhat we offer:• Flexible working environment• A-Z training in all aspects relevant to the position• Career development up to managerial positions• Discount card for more than 100 restaurants of the PHC Group• Full coverage of Social insurance• Paid annual leave• Up to 75% of University Funding• Career opportunities• Free UniformMain Responsibilities:• Customer Service• Preparing ordersMain requirements:• Knowledge of English language• Enthusiasm over customer service• Strong work ethic and honesty• Team playerInterested applicants should send their CVAll applications will be handled with strict confidence and used for recruitment purposes only by the HR department
13.02.2025 17:11,
Limassol, Limassol - Omonia
Salary is negotiable

Kitchen assistant - limassol
Why work at KFC?KFC is looking to recruit Team Members for our restaurants.Our restaurants are run by people who know and love the restaurant business. KFC knows the secret of motivating teams - which can be fun for everyone and contribute to strong sales growth and great customer service. We want people with amazing ideas and people who love to smile.Come and be part of PHC Franchised Restaurants Public Ltd, the largest Group of franchised restaurants in Cyprus.Position: Kitchen AssistantWhat we offer:• Flexible working environment• A-Z training in all aspects relevant to the position• Career development up to managerial positions• Discount card for more than 100 restaurants of the PHC Group• Full coverage of Social insurance• Paid annual leave• Up to 75% of University Funding• Career opportunities• Free UniformMain Responsibilities:• Customer Service• Preparing ordersMain requirements:• Knowledge of English language• Enthusiasm over customer service• Strong work ethic and honesty• Team playerInterested applicants should send their CVAll applications will be handled with strict confidence and used for recruitment purposes only by the HR department
13.02.2025 17:08,
Limassol, Limassol - Omonia
Salary is negotiable

Kitchen assistant - my mall limassol
Flexible working environment/ Ευέλικτο ωράριο εργασίας• A-Z training in all aspects relevant to the position/ Πλήρης εκπαίδευση σε όλους τους τομείς που σχετίζονται με τη θέση• Career opportunities/ Ευκαιρίες ανέλιξης• Discount card for more than 100 restaurants of PHC Group/ Εκπτωτική κάρτα για περισσότερα από 100 εστιατόρια του ομίλου της PHC• Full coverage of Social insurance/ Πλήρης κάλυψη της κοινωνικής ασφάλισης• Free Uniform/Δωρεάν ΣτολήREQUIREMENTS/ΑΠΑΡΑΙΤΗΤΑ ΠΡΟΣΟΝΤΑ• Necessary Knowledge of Greek and English language/ Γνώση Ελληνικής και Αγγλικής γλώσσας• Up to 75% of University Funding/ Χορηγία σπουδών μέχρι 75%• Previous experience will be considered as an advantage/ Προηγούμενη πείρα θα θεωρηθεί ως επιπρόσθετο προσόν
Taco Bell Cyprus,
13.02.2025 15:57,
Limassol, Limassol - Zakaki
Salary is negotiable

Cashier - my mall limassol
Flexible working environment/ Ευέλικτο ωράριο εργασίας• A-Z training in all aspects relevant to the position/ Πλήρης εκπαίδευση σε όλους τους τομείς που σχετίζονται με τη θέση• Career opportunities/ Ευκαιρίες ανέλιξης• Discount card for more than 100 restaurants of PHC Group/ Εκπτωτική κάρτα για περισσότερα από 100 εστιατόρια του ομίλου της PHC• Full coverage of Social insurance/ Πλήρης κάλυψη της κοινωνικής ασφάλισης• Free Uniform/Δωρεάν ΣτολήREQUIREMENTS/ΑΠΑΡΑΙΤΗΤΑ ΠΡΟΣΟΝΤΑ• Necessary Knowledge of Greek and English language/ Γνώση Ελληνικής και Αγγλικής γλώσσας• Up to 75% of University Funding/ Χορηγία σπουδών μέχρι 75%• Previous experience will be considered as an advantage/ Προηγούμενη πείρα θα θεωρηθεί ως επιπρόσθετο προσόν
Taco Bell Cyprus,
13.02.2025 15:54,
Limassol, Limassol - Zakaki
Salary is negotiable

Εστίαση. απο το χειροποίητο στον ύψωνα.
Από ¨Το Χειροποίητο¨ στον Ύψωνα ζητείται άτομο για πλήρη εργασία. 6 ημέρες την εβδομάδα. Μισθός: 1,845€ gross. Μετά το πέρας του 6μήνου αναλογία 13ου μισθού. Πλήρη ασφάλιση. Αναλογία Tips και bonus αποδοτικότητας. Παρέχονται 2 γεύματα την ημέρα (περίπου 12€ κόστους) Συνολικά εκτιμώμενα ωφελήματα άνω των 27.500€ τον χρόνο. Μόνο σοβαρά άτομα που θέλουν να δουν το μέλλον τους μέσα από αυτήν την συνεργασία. Άτομα που δεν συμπληρώνουν 30 ημέρες εργασίας εκπίπτουν παρακράτησης 275€ της αναλογίας μισθού για τα έξοδα πρόσληψης, εκπαίδευσης και σίτισης. Απαραίτητα προσόντα: Άριστη γνώση ελληνικών και αγγλικών. Κάθε άλλη γλώσσα θα εκτιμηθεί. Χρήση Η/Υ, ταμείο, μηχανάκια παραγγελιών: foody, bolt, wolt. (training will be provided) Εργατικότητα, υπευθυνότητα, καθαριότητα, ευγένεια, επικοινωνία με πελάτες και συνεργάτες όπως και επαγγελματισμός, αδιαπραγμάτευτα χαρακτηριστικά. Εμπειρία σε ανάλογες θέσεις εργασίας και καταστήματα εστίασης είναι απαραίτητη. Περιγραφή Καθημερινότητας ανάλογα με το ωράριο. Άνοιγμα και προετοιμασία καταστήματος στις 11:00 η ώρα καθημερινά, έναρξη λειτουργίας του καταστήματος και αποδοχή παραγγελιών στις 12:00. Αποδοχή, προετοιμασία και διεκπεραίωση παραγγελιών με την ομάδα κάθε βάρδιας καθ' όλη την διάρκεια της ημέρας. Το μεσημέρι μεταξύ 14:30-17:30 τις καθημερινές η ροή παραγγελιών είναι χαλαρή με πολύ χρόνο για οργάνωση, ξεκούραση και προετοιμασία της βραδινής βάρδιας. Από τις 18:00 ως τις 21:00 αυξημένη ζήτηση παραγγελιών. 22:10 κλείσιμο παραγγελιών. 22:30 το κατάστημα κλείνει. Καθημερινή απασχόληση περίπου 10 ώρες. 60 ώρες την εβδομάδα το μέγιστο. Φόρτος εργασίας καθημερινά περίπου 5-6 ώρες το μέγιστο. Τα ρεπό μπορούν να δοθούν και διαδοχικά μετά από συνεννόηση εφόσον ζητηθεί. Ευχάριστο, καθαρό και φωτεινό περιβάλλον εργασίας, φιλικό προσωπικό και σχέσεις εργοδότησης. Συνεχόμενη εξέλιξη, εκπαίδευση και αναβάθμιση. Καριέρα ζωής. Αποστολή βιογραφικών (Απαραίτητη πριν την τηλεφωνική επικοινωνία) Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες και διευθέτηση συνέντευξης καθημερινά 12:00-22:00 Το Χειροποίητο, Κος. Αλέξανδρος, Κος. Απόστολος.
13.02.2025 13:58,
Limassol, Ypsonas
Experienced kitchen staff
Mamma Sia Pizza is looking to hire an experienced kitchen staff . Preferably with an experience in a pizzeria. Must have experience with pasta and salads mostly for pasta .Positive vibes and experience is all what we want :)
13.02.2025 13:50,
Limassol, Historical Center
Salary is negotiable
Experienced pizza maker
Mamma Sia Pizza looking for an experienced pizza maker . Preferably with experience in American style dough and not in a Neapolitan style .Experience and positive vibes is all what we need :)
13.02.2025 13:44,
Limassol, Historical Center
Salary is negotiable
Η εταιρεία POUROS DEVELOPMENTS ζητεί να προσλάβει Αρχιτέκτονα για πλήρη απασχόληση στην Λεμεσό.Προσόντα: •Πτυχίο Αρχιτέκτονα•Εγγεγραμμένος/η στο ΕΤΕΚ•Εξαιρετική γνώση σχεδιαστικών προγραμμάτων•Εμπειρία στην διεκπεραίωση μελετών εφαρμογής ( Microsoft Office, MS Project, AutoCAD ) •Γνώση Πολεοδομικών κανονισμών •Πολύ καλή γνώση της Ελληνικής και Αγγλικής γλώσσας.•Ελάχιστη εμπειρία 5 ετών σε αρχιτεκτονικό γραφείο •Οργανωτικές δεξιότητες.Καθήκοντα: •Διεκπεραίωση μελετών εφαρμογής•Υπεύθυνος/νη έργων•Ετοιμασία Σχεδίων•Συναντήσεις με πελάτες
13.02.2025 13:14,
Limassol, Limassol - Agios Nicolaos

Εταιρία POUROS DEVELOPMENTS με έδρα στην Λεμεσό , ζητά να προσλάβει Λογιστή/Λογίστρια για μόνιμη απασχόληση.ΑΠΑΡΑΙΤΗΤΑ ΠΡΟΣΟΝΤΑ• Πανεπιστημιακό Δίπλωμα Λογιστικής• Γνώση λογιστικών προγραμμάτων E-SOFT ( Accounting &Stock control &Payroll )• Άριστη γνώση προγραμμάτων Microsoft Office• Τουλάχιστον 5 χρόνια εμπειρία• Ικανότητες επικοινωνίας και ομαδικής εργασίαςΚΑΘΗΚΟΝΤΑ• Τήρηση λογιστικών βιβλίων και αρχειοθέτηση• Έλεγχος και παρακολούθηση χρεών, πιστωτών και τραπεζικών λογαριασμών• Επικοινωνία με εξωτερικούς συνεργάτες ( πελάτες & προμηθευτές )• Προετοιμασία μισθοδοσίας• Επίσκεψη στην Τράπεζα ή σε συνεργάτες για λογιστικούς σκοπούς εάν είναι απαραίτητο.ΩΦΕΛHΜΑΤΑ• Μισθός ανάλογα με τα προσόντα • Ταμείο Προνοίας • Ώρες λειτουργίας: 09:00-13:00 / 14:00-18:00 Οι ενδιαφερόμενοι για τα παραπάνω καλούνται να υποβάλουν το βιογραφικό τους στο email
13.02.2025 13:13,
Limassol, Limassol - Agios Nicolaos

Cook / kitchen hand
We are looking to hire someone with experience for our restaurant as a kitchen hand/cook. Please send us your c.v if you have it and if you are a student, asylum seeker or have a work permit visa. Tuesday - Sunday 14:00 - 23:00 Monday Closed Basic cooking skills are needed. Salary will depend on knowledge. Please send us a message on WhatsApp Business
Kofini Tavern,
13.02.2025 12:51,
Limassol, Agios Tychon Tourist Area
Salary is negotiable
Nch real estate is seeking to hire a reliable οffice αdministrator in limassol
NCH Real Estate is seeking to recruit a reliable Οffice Αdministrator to undertake administrative tasks for its office in Limassol. Principal duties and responsibilities:Answering phone callsSchedule appointments and track calendarsOrganize and file documentationProvides support to ensure efficient operations of the officeAble to handle multiple projects and responsibilities at one timeSkills and knowledge:Excellent organisation skillsStrong attention to detailFluent in Greek and EnglishProficiency in Microsoft packages including OutlookQualifications in secretarial studies will be an advantageNetwork marketing knowledge will be considered as an extra advantageAll applications will be treated in strictest confidence.Please note that only successful candidates will be contacted.
13.02.2025 12:38,
Limassol, Agios Tychon Tourist Area
Salary is negotiable

Join mindrelief365 client care role remote part-time
🌟 Join MindRelief365 – Client Care Role (Remote, Part-Time) 🌟 Are you compassionate, positive, and engaging? Would you like to make a real difference in the lives of individuals with dementia and cognitive decline? At MindRelief365, we provide online Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) and Individual CST (iCST)—helping individuals stay mentally active, boost memory, and engage socially, all from the comfort of their homes. We are looking for a friendly, enthusiastic, and empathetic individual to join our team in a remote client care role. No prior experience is needed—full training is provided! ✨ Role Overview: 📌 Part-time | Remote | Online Sessions 📌 Flexible schedule – Work from home 📌 Engage with individuals & carers in interactive, ability-based sessions 📌 Facilitate brain-boosting activities, themed discussions, and structured cognitive exercises 📌 Ensure participants feel supported, engaged, and valued in every session ✅ What We’re Looking For: ✔ No prior experience needed – Full training provided! ✔ Excellent communication skills – Warm, clear, and engaging ✔ A happy, positive nature – Someone who brings joy into every session ✔ Good analytical skills – Ability to adapt activities to individual needs ✔ Empathy & understanding – A genuine desire to support those with cognitive decline 💙 Why Join Us? ✅ Make a meaningful impact – Help improve lives through cognitive stimulation ✅ Work from home – A fully remote, flexible opportunity ✅ No experience required – We provide all the training you need ✅ Be part of an uplifting, supportive team If you love connecting with people and want to contribute to improving cognitive health through interactive and engaging sessions, we’d love to hear from you! #Hiring #DementiaCare #CognitiveStimulation #RemoteJobs #MindRelief365 #CST #iCST #CaregiverSupport #FlexibleWork #MakingADifference
13.02.2025 11:27,
Limassol, Germasogeia
Οδηγοί γαμήλιων οχημάτων
Ζητούνται πεπειραμένοι οδηγοί, άνδρες ή γυναίκες, για οδήγηση γαμήλιων αυτοκινήτων. Συνήθης εργασία Σαββατοκύριακα.Απαιτούμενα προσόντα:1)Άδεια Οδηγού χωρίς ατυχήματα2)Ηλικία 35 ετών και άνω 3)Άδεια οδήγησης λεωφορείου θα θεωρηθεί επιπρόσθετο προσόνΜισθός αναλόγως προσόντων
Cyprus Motor Museum,
13.02.2025 09:33,
Limassol, Limassol - Zakaki
Salary is negotiable

Μηχανικός κλασικών οχημάτων
Η εταιρεία D.M. Cyprus Historic & Classic Motor Museum Ltd στη Λεμεσό, ζητά να προσλάβει άτομο για πλήρη απασχόληση για τη θέση Μηχανικού Κλασικών Οχημάτων. Καθήκοντα Θέσης:• Συντήρηση/Επισκευή οχημάτων. • Τεχνικές εργασίες. • Γενική συντήρηση εξοπλισμού και εγκαταστάσεων.• Καθαριότητα. Απαραίτητα Προσόντα:• Γνώσεις μηχανικής αυτοκινήτων.• Πείρα σε παλαιά αυτοκίνητα.• Άδεια οδήγησης.• Πολύ καλή γνώση Ελληνικών ή Αγγλικών.• Ακεραιότητα χαρακτήρα.Επιπρόσθετο προσόν:• Εμπειρία οδήγησης παλαιών αυτοκινήτων αποτελεί επιπρόσθετο προσόν.Παρακαλούνται οι υποψήφιοι/ες όπως αποστείλουν το βιογραφικό τους στο ηλεκτρονικό ταχυδρομείο
Cyprus Motor Museum,
13.02.2025 09:33,
Limassol, Limassol - Zakaki
Salary is negotiable

Assistant estate agent
The Assistant Estate Agent wanted to assist the property department. Requirements: 1. Enthusiastic, results-orientated, highly organized, and hardworking individual. 2. Ability to travel all over Limassol.3. Previous experience recommended. A generous remuneration package, based on experience and qualifications, will be offered.
Harry Tsangarides,
13.02.2025 09:02,
Limassol, Agios Athanasios
Salary is negotiable
Nail technician
Beauty saloon require Nails Technicians with experience
13.02.2025 08:01,
Limassol, Limassol - Katholiki
Πωλητής στο τμήμα χαλιών σε μεγάλη αλυσίδα στη λεμεσό
Το μεγαλύτερο πολυκατάστημα οικιακών ειδών στην Κύπρο αναζητά Πωλητή/Πωλήτρια για το τμήμα χαλιών στη Λεμεσό.Καθήκοντα:-Εξυπηρέτηση πελατών και παροχή συμβουλών για τα προϊόντα.-Διατήρηση της τάξης και της οργάνωσης στο τμήμα.-Τακτοποίηση νέων παραλαβών στο τμήμα.Απαραίτητα προσόντα:-Άριστη γνώση Ελληνικών και Αγγλικών. Greek language is required!!!-Ομαδικό πνεύμα και οργανωτικές ικανότητες.Αποδοχές-13 μισθοί-ΜπόνουςΩράριο:Κυλιόμενο 6ωρο (Δευτέρα - Σάββατο).Βάρδιες: 08:00-14:00 & 14:00-20:00.
12.02.2025 22:42,
Limassol, Limassol - Mesa Geitonia
Ζητείται άτομο για πλήρη απασχόληση για τη λήψη παραγγελιών σε εστιατόριο.Απαραίτητη προϋπόθεση η γνώση της ελληνικής γλώσσας.Το ωράριο εργασίας ειναι κυλιόμενο : 11:00-19:00 & 19:00-03:00.Μισθός: 8€ ανα ωρα καθαρά.
12.02.2025 21:00,
Limassol, Limassol Marina
Οδηγός φορτηγόυ
Ζητείται έμπειρος οδηγός βυτιοφόρου νερού . Ικανοποιητικος μισθός εξαημερη εργασία
12.02.2025 19:52,
Limassol, Polemidia Kato
Sales manager
MEGA KERATIN EUROPE LTD is looking for an active and goal-oriented professional to join our team as a Sales Manager. Requirements: ✔ Excellent communication skills and the ability to build strong client relationships. ✔ Fluency in Russian and English (written and spoken). ✔ Analytical and mathematical mindset. ✔ Punctuality, responsibility, and attention to detail. ✔ At least 3 years of experience in sales. Responsibilities: 🔹 Processing incoming orders and managing client relationships. 🔹 Searching for new clients and conducting negotiations. 🔹 Preparing commercial offers. 🔹 Working with CRM systems and Google Docs, maintaining a client database. 🔹 Monitoring order fulfillment. What We Offer: ✅ Official employment ✅ Competitive salary (fixed salary + bonuses) ✅Friendly team and comfortable working conditions. 📍 Location: Limassol, Cyprus ⏳ Work schedule: Full-time If you are confident in your abilities and ready to grow in sales, send your resume via WhatsApp Join our team! 🚀
12.02.2025 19:30,
Limassol, Kouka
Τεχνικός ανελκυστηρων
Ζητείται έμπειρος τεχνικός ανελκυστήρων Αρκετά ψιλές απολαβές αναλόγως προσόντων .
12.02.2025 19:18,
Limassol, Paramytha
Salary is negotiable
Skipper for sailing catamaran cruises
We are looking for a skilled and experienced Skipper to join our sailing catamaran team. This is a fantastic opportunity for someone with a strong background in sailing and catamaran operation who is passionate about delivering an exceptional experience on the water. Our fleet consists exclusively of sailing catamarans, so prior experience as a sailing catamaran skipper (at least one full season) is essential.Key Responsibilities:Safely navigating and operating sailing catamarans on daily cruisesEnsuring the highest standards of safety and comfort for all guestsEngaging with guests to create a welcoming and enjoyable onboard experienceWorking closely with the crew to maintain professionalism and seamless operationsAttending to boat maintenance and ensuring all equipment is in top conditionWhat We’re Looking For:Skilled professional with a valid Sailing Boat Licence and STCW Safety Certificate (Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats).Proven experience as a skipper on sailing catamarans (minimum one season)Fluent in English, with excellent communication and interpersonal skillsFriendly and approachable, with a positive attitude toward guest interactionStrong attention to detail, reliability, and a responsible work ethicEnthusiastic about providing outstanding service and creating memorable experiences
12.02.2025 11:59,
Limassol, Limassol Marina
Salary is negotiable
Deckhand for sailing catamaran cruises
Join our sailing catamaran team as a Deckhand! We’re looking for a friendly and motivated individual eager to learn and work in a customer-centered, energetic environment. As a Deckhand, you’ll be essential in assisting with the daily operations of our cruises (typically two per day) and ensuring that every guest feels welcomed and comfortable.Key Responsibilities:Assisting guests onboard and creating a welcoming, positive atmosphereServing food and drinks to guests with a friendly, professional demeanourMaintaining cleanliness onboard and assisting with a variety of tasks as neededSupporting colleagues with general duties to ensure smooth sailingWhat We’re Looking For:Strong interpersonal skills; friendly, approachable, and eager to interact with guestsPositive, smiling attitude with a natural hospitality approachFluent in EnglishReliable, hard-working, and enthusiastic about creating a fun, professional atmosphere onboardIf you’re enthusiastic about delivering a fantastic experience to our guests, apply to join our team!
12.02.2025 11:58,
Limassol, Limassol Marina
Salary is negotiable
Υπεύθυνος ανάπτηξης πωλήσεων
Η Elite Momentum Marketing, επιθυμεί να εντάξει στην ομάδα της έναν υπεύθυνο ανάπτυξης πωλήσεων με ισχυρές δεξιότητες στο μάρκετινγκ. Τι θα κάνεις - Ανάπτυξη στρατηγικών για την αύξηση των πωλήσεων - Ανάλυση ανταγωνισμού - Διαχείριση καμπανιών μάρκετινγκ Προσφέρουμε - Ελκυστικό πακέτο αποδοχών με μπόνους επίτευξης στόχων - Ευκαιρίες καριέρας σε ένα αναπτυσσόμενο περιβάλλον - Συμμετοχή σε καινοτόμα projects Στείλε το βιογραφικό σου σήμερα
12.02.2025 11:58,
Limassol, Limassol - Agia Fyla
Salary is negotiable
Hostess for sailing catamaran cruises
We are seeking a friendly, motivated, and skilled Hostess to join our sailing catamaran team. This role is ideal for someone who loves cooking, has solid culinary skills, and is eager to thrive in a vibrant, customer-focused environment. As a Hostess, you’ll play a key role in making our guests feel welcome and delivering an exceptional onboard dining experience throughout daily cruises (typically two per day).Key Responsibilities:Greeting and interacting with guests to ensure a warm and enjoyable experiencePreparing and cooking meals onboard with attention to quality and presentationServing food and drinks with a positive, professional attitudeMaintaining cleanliness and assisting with general onboard dutiesWhat We’re Looking For:A passion for cooking and solid culinary skills, with the ability to prepare meals onboardExcellent interpersonal skills; friendly, approachable, and communicativeA positive, smiling attitude with a natural ability to make guests feel comfortableFluent in EnglishReliable, hard-working, and enthusiastic about creating a fun, professional atmosphere onboardIf you’re excited to join a dynamic team and make each guest’s experience unforgettable through both your service and culinary skills, we’d love to hear from you!
12.02.2025 11:58,
Limassol, Limassol Marina
Salary is negotiable
Charchoal grill cook
Our restaurant looking for a determinates cooks team.
12.02.2025 11:04,
Limassol, Mesa Geitonia
Salary is negotiable
Nails master
We are looking for a Manicure and Pedicure Master! Location: Limassol Requirements: • Sociability and ability to find common ground with clients • Punctuality and responsibility • Experience is a plus • Desire to grow and learn new things We offer: • Cozy atmosphere in the salon • Competitive pay • Flexible schedule If you are confident in your skills and want to work in a friendly team, feel free to reach out 😊
12.02.2025 10:44,
Limassol, Mesa Geitonia
Salary is negotiable
Good day. We are looking for a bartender with or without experience for a restaurant in Limassol. 8.5€ per hour. TIO Restaurant. We need an adequate and smart employee. Tasks to be done: 1. Prepare cocktails 2. Load dishes and ice 3. Make coffee and squeeze juices 4. Keep the workplace clean Shifts from 9.30-19.00 / 17.30-23.30 Tips once a week. For all questions, write in private messages. Immediately: experience / age / knowledge of languages / document status.
12.02.2025 08:11,
Limassol, Polemidia Pano
Retention agent - english language
We are a reputable brokerage firm in the market since 2012, with our headquarters in Limassol, Cyprus, seeking for expireanced retention agents - English speaking
11.02.2025 22:26,
Limassol, Limassol - Zakaki
Salary is negotiable
The melting pot | baristas
Το The melting pot, ένα specialty coffee concept store στο κέντρο της Λεμεσού, προσφέρει ετήσιο συμβόλαιο εργασίας σε δημιουργικά και οξυδερκή άτομα που ενδιαφέρονται να εκπαιδευτούν και να εργαστούν ως μπαρίστα.Καθήκοντα:• Ετοιμασία υψηλής ποιότητας προΐόντων καφέ και συναφών ροφημάτων• Χειρισμός ταμειακής μηχανής, είσπραξη και διαχείριση μετρητών και καρτών• Παραλαβή παραγγελιών και σερβίρισμα• Λεπτομερής γνώση του μενού• Σχολαστικός καθαρισμός και συντήρηση του εξοπλισμού και των μηχανημάτων• Αυστηρή τήρηση των κανονισμών του καταστήματος σχετικά με το πρόγραμμα εργασίας, τρόπους συμπεριφοράς, ένδυσης και προσωπικής υγιεινής Πρέπει να διαθέτει:• Ενδιαφέρον για μακροπρόθεσμη απασχόληση• Ευχάριστη και ευγενική προσωπικότητα• Αγάπη για τον καφέ• Χαρακτήρα κοινωνικό και επικοινωνιακό• Άριστη γνώση αγγλικής γλώσσας• Απολυτήριο λυκείου ή ισοδύναμου ιδρύματος• Μεθοδικότητα, οργανωτικότητα και ταχύτητα στη λήψη αποφάσεων• Δυνατότητα εργασίας με άνεση κάτω από συνθήκες πίεσης• Ευχέρεια λειτουργίας εντός ομάδας• Επικοινωνιακές ικανότητες• Ευελιξία στις βάρδιες του καταστήματος και σε ανάγκες που τυχόν να παρουσιαστούν για επιπλέον ώρες εργασίαςΠροσφέρουμε• Αυξήσεις αναλόγως απόδοσης• Μόνιμη και μακροχρόνια απασχόληση• Ευχάριστο περιβάλλον εργασίας• Δωρεάν γεύμα και ποτόΠροηγούμενη πείρα μη απαραίτητη.Για τα προσωπικά στοιχεία των υποψηφίων θα τηρηθεί απόλυτη εμπιστευτικότητα.The Melting Pot, a specialty coffee concept store located in the center of Limassol, offers a yearly work contract for people who are creative and attentive to detail, interested to be trained and practice as baristas. Work responsibilities:• Preparation of quality and high standard coffee and other similar beverages• Operation of a cash register and payments' supervision• Taking orders from clients and table service• In depth acquaintance with all the Menu items• Diligent everyday cleaning and maintenance of all equipment and machinery• Adhering to all of the store's regulations about work schedule, well-mannered behavior, vesture and personal hygieneWhat we are looking for:• A long-term employment• A pleasant and polite personality• Passionate about coffee• A positive and extroverted character• Excellent knowledge of English language• High school diploma, or other equivalent qualification• Organizational and planning skills with a prompt decision making capacity• Ability to perform with ease under tense work conditions• Team work mentality• Communication skills• Flexibility with the store's time shifts as well as with any extra work time that might be neededWhat we offer:• Salary increase potential according to performance and efficiency• A full time occupation• A long term employment• A pleasant work environment• Free meal and beverageNo experience required.Full confidentiality will be applied on all personal information of candidates.
The Melting Pot,
11.02.2025 21:26,
Limassol, Historical Center
The melting pot | σερβιτόροι/ρες - waiters/waitresses
Το The melting pot, ένα specialty coffee concept store στο κέντρο της Λεμεσού, ζητά να προσλάβει υπεύθυνα άτομα που ενδιαφέρονται να εργαστούν ως σερβιτόροι.Καθήκοντα:* Παραλαβή παραγγελιών από τους πελάτες* Σερβίρισμα φαγητού και ροφημάτων* Λεπτομερής γνώση του μενού* Χειρισμός της ταμειακής μηχανής, είσπραξη και διαχείριση μετρητών και καρτών.* Καθάρισμα τραπεζιών και καρεκλών* Συντήρηση της καθαριότητας όλων των χώρων * Αυστηρή τήρηση των κανονισμών του καταστήματος σχετικά με το πρόγραμμα εργασίας, τρόπους συμπεριφοράς, ένδυσης και προσωπικής υγιεινής Πρέπει να διαθέτει:* Ευχάριστη και ευγενική προσωπικότητα* Χαρακτήρα κοινωνικό και επικοινωνιακό* Άριστη γνώση αγγλικής γλώσσας*Προηγούμενη πείρα τουλάχιστον ενός έτους* Απολυτήριο λυκείου ή ισοδύναμου ιδρύματος* Μεθοδικότητα, οργανωτικότητα και ταχύτητα στη λήψη αποφάσεων* Δυνατότητα εργασίας με άνεση κάτω από συνθήκες πίεσης* Ευχέρεια λειτουργίας εντός ομάδας.* Επικοινωνιακές ικανότητες* Ευελιξία στις βάρδιες του καταστήματος και σε ανάγκες που τυχόν να παρουσιαστούν για επιπλέον ώρες εργασίας Προσφέρουμε:* Αυξήσεις αναλόγως απόδοσης.* Μόνιμη και μακροπρόθεσμη απασχόληση.* Ευχάριστο περιβάλλον εργασίας.* Δωρεάν γεύμα και ποτόΓια τα προσωπικά στοιχεία των υποψηφίων θα τηρηθεί απόλυτη εμπιστευτικότητα.The Melting Pot, a specialty coffee concept store located in the center of Limassol, is looking to hire responsible people interested to work in a waiter position.Work responsibilities:* Taking orders from clients * Table service* In depth acquaintance with all the Menu items* Operation of a cash register and payments’ supervision* Cleaning tables and all the space's furniture* Maintaining all the space clean and tidy * Adhering to all of the store’s regulations about work schedule, well-mannered behavior, vesture and personal hygiene What we are looking for:* A pleasant and polite personality * A positive and extroverted character* Excellent knowledge of English language* Work experience at the same position of at least one year in Cyprus* High school diploma, or other equivalent qualification* Organisational and planning skills with a prompt decision making capacity* Ability to perform with ease under tense work conditions* Team work mentality* Communication skills* Flexibility with the store’s time shifts as well as with any extra work time that might be needed What we offer:* Salary increase potential according to work performance and efficiency* A full-time occupation* A long term employment* A pleasant work environment * Free meal and beverageFull confidentiality will be applied on all personal information of candidates.
The Melting Pot,
11.02.2025 21:25,
Limassol, Historical Center
Salary is negotiable
Sales Manager
MEGA KERATIN EUROPE LTD is looking for an active and goal-oriented professional to join our team as a Sales Manager. Requirements:✔ Excellent communication skills and the ability to build strong client relationships. ✔ Fluency in **Russian and English** (written and spoken). ✔ Analytical and **mathematical mindset**. ✔ Punctuality, responsibility, and attention to detail. ✔ At least **3 years of experience in sales**. Responsibilities: 🔹 Processing incoming orders and managing client relationships. 🔹 Searching for new clients and conducting negotiations. 🔹 Preparing commercial offers. 🔹 Working with **CRM systems and Google Docs**, maintaining a client database. 🔹 Monitoring order fulfillment. What We Offer: ✅ Official employment✅ Competitive salary (fixed salary + bonuses) ✅Friendly team and comfortable working conditions. 📍 Location: Limassol, Cyprus ⏳ Work schedule: Full-time If you are confident in your abilities and ready to grow in sales, send your resume via WhatsApp: 📩 Join our team! 🚀
11.02.2025 17:51,
Limassol, Kouka
Salary is negotiable
Technical department coordinator
Our client is a fast-growing real estate company in Limassol, dedicated to transforming the property market in Cyprus.They pride themselves on their diverse and talented team. They believe in investing in their employees’ growth and development, ensuring they have the tools and support to thrive in their careers.On our client’s behalf we are seeking an experienced and skilled Technical Department Coordinator to support their Technical Director and department. An important part of the role is ensuring the smooth execution of projects from the design phase through to completion. The ideal candidate will be highly organized, proactive, and capable of managing multiple technical operations to meet project deadlines efficiently.Job ResponsibilitiesSupport the Technical Director with daily operations, project management activities, and technical procedures.Review and update project monitoring tables, coordination reports, and procurement logs during design and execution phases.Assess project proposals and nominations, ensuring alignment with company standards and providing value-engineering proposals in collaboration with the Technical Director and architects.Develop and implement technical department procedures, assist in updating the design manual, and maintain standard specifications.Organize and manage tendering processes for contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers, including gathering requirements and conducting market research.Monitor payments to external consultants, the status of authority applications, and project initiation documentation.Prepare detailed reports, presentations, and support the technical team with ad hoc tasks as needed.RequirementsBachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering or Quantity Surveying.Minimum of 2 years of experience in the real estate development industry.Fluency in both English and Greek, with excellent written and verbal communication skills.Proficient in MS Office, with advanced knowledge of Excel.Strong attention to detail with exceptional analytical and reporting skills.Outstanding organizational and time management abilities.Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, fostering effective collaboration within teams.BenefitsDevelopment: Comprehensive training, mentorship from industry experts, and abundant opportunities for career advancement.Environment: Join our youthful and energetic team, dedicated to innovation and excellence in real estate project management.Compensation: Competitive salary with a strong focus on career development and training.
Golden Careers Recruitment,
11.02.2025 17:08,
Limassol, Limassol - Agios Nicolaos
Salary is negotiable
Business development manager
Our client is a rapidly expanding real estate company in Limassol, committed to reshaping the property market in Cyprus.With a diverse and talented team at its core, the company prioritizes employee growth and development, providing the necessary tools and support for long-term success.On their behalf, we are seeking an experienced and driven Business Development Manager to join their dynamic team. With over €30 million in real estate opportunities, the company is focused on expansion and looking for a strategic professional to drive their brand forward. This role involves identifying new business opportunities, cultivating client relationships, and accelerating sales growth as the company continues its impressive trajectory in the real estate sector.Job ResponsibilitiesIdentify and pursue new business opportunities through market research, networking, and lead generation.Build and maintain relationships with potential clients, industry partners, and key stakeholders.Develop and execute strategies to promote the company’s services and differentiate us from competitors.Conduct market analysis and competitive research to identify trends and potential growth areas.Collaborate with internal teams to develop tailored proposals and presentations for prospective clients.Negotiate and close deals, ensuring that terms and contracts align with company objectives.Stay up-to-date with industry trends, market conditions, and emerging opportunities.Requirements3-5 years of proven experience in sales, business development, or a related role, preferably in the real estate industry.Strong networking and relationship-building skills.Excellent communication and presentation abilities.Strategic thinker with a knack for identifying new business opportunities.Strong negotiation and closing skills.Ability to work independently and manage multiple projects simultaneously.Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.Proficiency in Hebrew and Russian is a significant advantage.BenefitsCompetitive salaryVery attractive compensation based on performance on sales.Career growth in a young, dynamic and one of the fastest growing real estate companies in Limassol.
Golden Careers Recruitment,
11.02.2025 17:08,
Limassol, Limassol - Agios Nicolaos
Salary is negotiable
Accounting assistant
Job Description:Poseidon Arctic Voyages Ltd is seeking a detail-oriented Accounting Assistant to support our finance team in Limassol. Duties & Responsibilities:• Record day-to-day financial transactions and assist in the posting process.• Calculate, create, and send invoices and statements to customers.• Organize electronic and hard copy filing of accounting, corporate, and banking documents.• Process card payments from customers via JCC/AmEx System.• Maintain and fill out payment tables.• Perform other relevant duties as needed.Qualifications & Requirements:• LCCI Higher in Accounting and/or Bachelor's degree in Accounting/Finance or a related field.• Solid understanding of basic bookkeeping and accounting principles.• Proven ability to calculate, post, and manage accounting figures and financial records.• Strong data entry skills and a knack for numbers.• Hands-on experience with spreadsheets and proprietary software.• Excellent command of the English language (written and verbal).• Proficiency in Microsoft Office.• High degree of accuracy and attention to detail. • Cyprus/EU passport holders onlyWhy Join Us?At Poseidon Expeditions, we value teamwork and innovation. Join us in our mission to provide exceptional expedition experiences while developing your career in a supportive environment.
Irina Konstantinou,
11.02.2025 17:08,
Limassol, Limassol Marina
Real estate agent/broker required
For a real estate company in Limassol, Potamos Germasogeia areaResponsibilities: • Working with clients: consulting, selecting real estate properties according to clients’ requests, conducting viewings and negotiations; • Concluding real estate purchase, sale, and rental deals; • Analyzing the real estate market and monitoring current offers; • Preparing and drafting contracts; • Collaborating with lawyers, banks, and other partners on transaction-related matters; • Maintaining an up-to-date client and property database; • Participating in the company’s advertising and marketing activities.Requirements: • Valid Assistant Agent Card; • Excellent knowledge of Russian and English; • Knowledge of Greek will be an advantage; • At least 1 year of experience in real estate; • Strong negotiation skills and the ability to build long-term client relationships; • Proficiency in CRM systems, office equipment, and software (Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint); • Excellent communication and presentation skills; • High level of organization, attention to detail, and stress tolerance; • Valid driver’s license and own car.Conditions: • Work schedule: 5/2, from 09:00 to 18:00; • Opportunity for professional development and growth; • Work in a modern office with a friendly team.
11.02.2025 16:57,
Limassol, Germasogeia Tourist Area
Salary is negotiable
Cleaners for restaurants
We are looking for reliable and detail-oriented cleaners for commercial and residential spaces. Whether you have experience or are ready to start now, join our team!What We Offer:Competitive Salary: €1000-€1300, based on experience and working hoursPositive work environmentFlexible hours (morning and afternoon shifts)To apply send your documents to whatsapp
11.02.2025 14:19,
Limassol, Limassol Marina
Salary is negotiable
Tutor, governess
Limassol. Looking for Tutor /governess for children of 5 and 3.5 years old. Working schedule: Monday – Friday, from 9am till 6pm. Duties: assistance to children in daily routine (eating, getting dressed, keeping clean, etc.); accompanying children to external lessons (to bring to the lesson / back; DRIVER WILL BE PROVIDED); putting one of children to bed for day nap; walking /outside playgrounds; at free time – general development of children. Requirements: love for children and for nanny-teacher’s work; kindness; calmness and resilience; cleanliness. Higher education is welcomed. Woman of 35-55 years old.
11.02.2025 12:32,
Limassol, Germasogeia
Salary is negotiable
German speaking customer support representative
Our client, a leading the iGaming entertainment company based in Limassol is currently seeking a Customer Support Representative to join their expanding team. As a Customer Support Representative, you will interact with customers and assist them with their inquiries. You will be representing the company thus you must possess a vibrant and responsible character as well as be able to work shifts.Responsibilities:• Effectively communicating with customers in their designated language.• A high emphasis on quality, with particular attention to detail and accuracy.• Providing an outstanding client experience and resolving issues on first contact.• Resolve product and service issues by clarifying customer complaints, determining the origin of issues, identifying and explaining the best course of action, and following up to assure resolution.• Responding to client inquiries via Webchat, Email and Phone in a timely and professional way.• Escalating requests where needed.• Thoroughly investigating player concerns.• Promoting a “Safer Gaming” philosophy.• Staying up to date on rules, processes and licensing needs.• Contributing to collective effort by achieving necessary results• Go above and beyond when engaging customers• Taking part in the Onboarding Programs.Requirements:• German fluency• Proven customer service experience is welcomed but not mandatory since the company provides • comprehensive in-house training.• Strong communication/public relations along with active listening skills required. • Customer orientation and the ability to adapt and respond to diverse sorts of characters• Proficiency working on computers and touch typing are required.• Ability to perform under pressure • Accountability and conscientiousnessWhat's in it for YOU? • Excellent work environment • Attractive salary package • Monthly and Annual incentive Bonus • Monetary vouchers on birthdays and other special occasions • Fully equipped kitchen and in-house entertaining space • Options to enroll in company's medical insurance plan • Possibilities to enroll in Company's pension plan • Exciting company activities including monthly lunches, monthly corporate gatherings, an intercompany football team, competitions, daily snacks and many other activities. • Casual Dress Code • A chance to advance professionally inside one of the world's largest iGaming organizations.
Cosmo Recruitment Cyprus Ltd,
11.02.2025 10:29,
Limassol, Limassol - Agios Nicolaos
Salary is negotiable

Runner in a confectionary
NET salary 1200 eu no ASYLUM PLEASE40h weekly20 days paid leaveplease send your CV . Your job : Delivering food and drinks to tables quickly and in good condition.Assisting with setting up tables, such as refilling water glasses or providing condiments.Clearing empty plates and utensils from tables to keep the area neat.Ensuring order accuracy by confirming that the right dishes go to the right customers.Sometimes, helping with basic prep work in the back of the house (e.g., assembling drinks)
Specialty coffee shop,
11.02.2025 08:07,
Limassol, Germasogeia
Experienced cashier
salary from 1300 to 1400 netukrainian/russian speaking is + send your CV to
Specialty coffee shop,
11.02.2025 08:06,
Limassol, Germasogeia
Animator for kids
Salary is 1200 NET40H per week onlyJob description : Supervise children and ensure their safety.Create a fun atmosphere, planing different learning and game based activities.Make emotional bonds with the children.Requirements :Good knowledge of the English languageUkrainian and Russian language is a plusExperience in sports and/or social activities.Super communication skills.A willingness to approach and communicate with peoplePassionate about teaching, playing and helping kids send your cv
Specialty coffee shop,
11.02.2025 08:05,
Limassol, Germasogeia
Entertainer for kids in a desert shop
Please send us your cv including a recent photo of you. Salary is 1200 to 1400 NET 40H per week only Requirements : Good knowledge of the English language.Ukrainian and Russian language is a plus Experience in social activities. Super communication skills. A willingness to approach and communicate with people Passionate about teaching, playing and helping kids Job description : Supervise children and ensure their safety. Create a fun atmosphere, planing different learning and game based activities. Make emotional bonds with the children
Specialty coffee shop,
11.02.2025 08:05,
Limassol, Germasogeia
Cleaner for hotel apartments full time
only European ladies please
Maro Frosynis,
11.02.2025 07:53,
Limassol, Germasogeia Tourist Area
Independent sales representative
ob Opportunity: Independent Sales Representative - Financial Sector (English Required)UNIKSALE Limited is seeking an experienced and driven Independent Sales Representative to join our team. If you are passionate about sales, knowledgeable about the derivatives market, and motivated by high earnings, this could be the perfect opportunity for you!Please note: Training day will be provided to ensure you are fully prepared for success in this role.Key Responsibilities:Build and maintain strong relationships with clients in the financial and mining sectors.Promote and sell financial products, including mining contracts with commissions starting at 10,000 EUR.Offer and market back-office and accounting services to companies seeking outsourced solutions.Develop and execute effective sales strategies to achieve and exceed targets.Requirements:Minimum of 3 years of experience in sales, preferably within the financial industry.Strong knowledge of the derivatives market is essential.Fluency in English is mandatory; proficiency in an additional language is highly advantageous.Self-motivated, proactive, and able to work independently.Excellent communication and negotiation skills.What We Offer:Attractive commission structure, with a minimum of 5,000 EUR per sale, and additional opportunities such as mining contracts with commissions starting from 10,000 EUR.An opportunity to work with a dynamic and reputable company in the financial sector.A supportive and flexible work environment to help you succeed.If you meet the criteria and are ready for an exciting new challenge, please send your CV to us and take your sales career to new heights with UNIKSALE!
Franck Bale Corouna,
10.02.2025 22:19,
Limassol, Limassol - Agios Nicolaos
Salary is negotiable
Full time secretary
Full Time Fluent Greek and English Speaking Secretary for a community centre. Must have experience with Technology and computers and Drivers License.
10.02.2025 18:24,
Limassol, Limassol - Agios Nicolaos
Λειτουργός εξυπηρέτησης πελατών σε ασφαλιστικό γραφείο
Καθήκοντα θέσης:• Εξυπηρέτηση πελατών μέσω προσωπικής επικοινωνίας, τηλεφωνικώς και ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου• Γραμματειακή υποστήριξη γραφείου• Παροχή πληροφοριών σχετικά με τις υπηρεσίες μας• Συνεργασία με τα υπόλοιπα μέλη της ομάδας για παροχή της υψηλότερης δυνατό εξυπηρέτησης των πελατών• Διεκπεραίωση καθημερινών εργασιών όπου θα ανατεθούν από τον εργοδότη• Οργάνωση γραφείουΑπαιτούμενα προσόντα και δεξιότητες:• Άριστη γνώση Ελληνικής και Αγγλικής γλώσσας• Καλή γνώση Η/Υ – Microsoft Office, Outlook• Εμπειρία τουλάχιστον ενός έτους σε παρόμοιας φύσης θέση• Ευχάριστη προσωπικότητα• Δεξιότητες οργάνωσης και διαχείρισης χρόνου• Επικοινωνιακές ικανότητες• Ακεραιότητα χαρακτήρα, πρωτοβουλία, εμπιστευτικότητα και υπευθυνότητα*Κάτοχος διπλώματος ΠΒΑΚ θα θεωρηθεί επιπλέον προσόν
10.02.2025 17:38,
Limassol, Historical Center
Salary is negotiable
Τεχνιτης αλουμινιων
10.02.2025 17:08,
Limassol, Agios Tychon
Salary is negotiable
Morning office cleaners
10.02.2025 16:54,
Limassol, Polemidia Pano
Junior and senior recruiter
Job Description:As a Recruiter, you will be responsible for sourcing, screening, and placing top talent within the FX industry. You will collaborate closely with hiring managers, develop recruitment strategies, and ensure a seamless hiring process for candidates.Main Responsibilities:✔ Talent Acquisition – Source, screen, and interview candidates for conversion and retention roles in the FX industry.✔ Client Collaboration – Work closely with hiring managers to understand job requirements and tailor recruitment strategies.✔ Candidate Engagement – Build and maintain strong relationships with potential candidates, ensuring a positive recruitment experience.✔ Job Posting & Advertising – Create and manage job postings across various platforms to attract top talent.✔ Networking & Headhunting – Utilize social media, job boards, and direct outreach to find and engage the best candidates.✔ Database Management – Maintain and update our candidate database with accurate information.✔ Process Coordination – Manage the end-to-end recruitment process, including interview scheduling and feedback collection.Qualifications & Skills:🔹 Fluent in English 🔹 Previous experience in recruitment or HR is a plus but not mandatory.🔹 Strong communication & negotiation skills – Ability to engage and influence candidates effectively.🔹 Excellent organizational skills – Ability to manage multiple positions simultaneously.🔹 Ability to work under pressure – Meet tight deadlines and recruitment targets.What We Offer: ✔ Competitive Salary & Commission Structure✔ Short Working Hours on Fridays✔ Full Private Medical Insurance✔ Corporate Events ✔ Career Development & Training Opportunities✔ 21 Days of Annual Leave✔ Paid Sick Leave✔ Free Lunch Once a Week & Unlimited Snacks & BeveragesJoin us at Hipersonnel LTD and be part of a growing company that values talent and innovation. Apply now and take the next step in your recruitment career! 🚀
10.02.2025 10:51,
Limassol, Agios Athanasios
Salary is negotiable
We are looking for a barista for full or part time. Only with experience and a work permit
10.02.2025 10:48,
Limassol, Potamos Germasogeias
Welded συγγολλητής
Ζητείται Συγκολλητης Στη Βιομηχανικη πέριοχη Αγιου Σύλα Welder Wanted In The Industrial Area Of St. Sylas
10.02.2025 10:08,
Limassol, Limassol - Agios Antonios
Salary is negotiable
Back office officer
Job DescriptionBACK OFFICE OFFICER ( It requires Shifts)GENERAL PURPOSETo provide support for the daily, weekly and monthly accounting functions as well as financial information for the organization by maintaining and reconciling general ledger accounts. Other back-office tasks involve the activities of accounts, sales records, and general back-office maintenance.MAIN JOB TASKS & RESPONSIBILITIES• Input deposit and withdrawal transactions on CRM; verify that amount is also processed on trading system• Maintain credit policy; obtain approval prior to any credit transaction• Enable customer accounts upon initial deposit; disable accounts as per dormant account policy• Monitor client transactions for any suspicious trades• Remain updated on all AML and TF issues and regulations; monitor transactions for irregularities• Reconcile trades/positions between customers and clearers/counter parties• Interface with clearing firms’ operations staff• Generate P&L reports and reconcile with General Ledger• Improve on/implement new back office control processes • Develop/maintain back office procedures manual• Maintain customer files; liaise closely with Compliance to preserve integrity of customer info/transactions• Compile daily and weekly reports as per requirement of Finance ManagerSKILLS AND COMPETENCIES:• Ability to conceive/implement new processes as required• Ability to work with spreadsheets/databases required• Detail-oriented/organized/excellent documentation skills required• Experience in middle or back office roles in trading environment required• Knowledge of and experience with investment products preferred• Bachelor’s degree in accounting/finance/related (or relevant work experience) strongly preferred• Excellent communication skills both written and oral• Ability to multitask/prioritize multiple projects required
Trust Capital TC,
10.02.2025 09:46,
Limassol, Historical Center
Salary is negotiable
Require help cleaning house limnatis
I need a lady to help me with general house cleaning about once a month. Like cleaning dust, floors, windows, bathrooms, furniture. 3 bedroom house. Limnatis, Limassol. Saturday morning. Cost per hour to be discussed. Χρειάζομαι μια κυρία να με βοηθήσει με τον γενικό καθαρισμό του σπιτιού περίπου μια φορά το μήνα. Όπως σκόνη καθαρισμού, πατώματα, παράθυρα, μπάνια, έπιπλα. Σπίτι 3 υπνοδωματίων. Λιμνάτης, Λεμεσός. Σάββατο πρωί.
10.02.2025 09:31,
Limassol, Limnatis
Cleaning lady
cleaner wanted to clean offices and on occasion hotels.
10.02.2025 09:28,
Limassol, Historical Center
Salary is negotiable
Domestic helper
We are a family of three healthy gentlemen. Our helper is on two months vacation in India. So we need a domestic helper for two months. We are in Limassol. Very easy job. No elderly here. We are all between 40 to 60 years old. Salary 450 euros per each month.
10.02.2025 09:01,
Limassol, Limassol - Mesa Geitonia
Οδηγος φορτηγου
Εταιρεία στη Λεμεσό αναζητά Οδηγό Φορτηγού για πλήρη απασχόληση στη Λεμεσό.Αν διαθέτεις επαγγελματική άδεια και έχεις εμπειρία στις μεταφορές, αυτή είναι η ευκαιρία σου να ενταχθείς στην ομάδα!Απαιτούμενα Προσόντα:Κάτοχος επαγγελματικής άδειας φορτηγού.Καλή γνώση του οδικού δικτύου της Κύπρου.Ικανότητα χειρισμού παλετοφόρου.Υπευθυνότητα, συνέπεια και ομαδικό πνεύμα.Παροχές:13ος μισθός.Φιλικό και επαγγελματικό περιβάλλον εργασίας.📍 Τοποθεσία Εργασίας: Λεμεσός.
10.02.2025 08:14,
Limassol, Limassol - Mesa Geitonia
Salary is negotiable
Social media manager
Ζητείται λειτουργός Social Media για να εργαστεί με βάση την Λεμεσό.Καθήκοντα:- Διαχείριση λογαριασμών social media (facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Tik Tok κ.α.- Μελέτη και εξαγωγή συμπερασμάτων από τα στατιστικά των δημοσιεύσεων.- Παρακολούθηση των trends της αγοράς Real Estate. - Παρακολούθηση hashtags και λέξεων-κλειδιών, ανίχνευση προβλημάτων ασφάλειας του brand της επιχείρησης, διαχείριση κρίσεων στα social media και επαναπροσδιορισμός ευκαιριών marketing σε πραγματικό χρόνο, γνωστό και ως social listening.- Δημιουργία ή και επιμέλεια περιεχομένου (λήψη φωτογραφιών, σύνταξη κειμένων, σχεδίαση ή τροποποίηση γραφιστικών, επεξεργασία βίντεο.- Σχεδιασμός και εκτέλεση καμπανιών και διαφημίσεων.- Σχεδιασμός και υλοποίηση στρατηγικής για την επίτευξη των επιχειρηματικών στόχων.- Προγραμματισμός Αναρτήσεων- Πρόταση Νέων Ιδεών και conceptsΑπαραίτητα Προσόντα:- Εξαιρετικό προφορικό και γραπτό λόγο- Πνεύμα συνεργασίας και καλές επικοινωνιακές δεξιότητες- Δημιουργικότητα- Δεξιότητες επεξεργασίας βίντεο- Επιχειρηματική λογική και συγκεκριμένοι στόχοι- Οργάνωση και προγραμματισμός- Πτυχίο στην Επικοινωνία, στο μάρκετινγ ή στα Μέσα Κοινωνικής Δικτύωσης Μισθός αναλόγως προσόντων. Περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες και αποστολή βιογραφικών στο e-mail please. Thank you.
10.02.2025 00:44,
Limassol, Germasogeia

Bartender for leyla - new georgian restaurant in limassol
Join our team as a Bartender at a new Georgian cuisine restaurant opening soon in Limassol! We are looking for someone passionate about mixology, great customer service, and the ability to create memorable guest experiences.What You’ll Do:Prepare and serve a variety of beverages (alcoholic and non-alcoholic).Provide excellent customer service and engage with guests.Maintain cleanliness and organization of the bar area.Collaborate with the team to ensure smooth bar operations.What We Expect:At least one year of bartending experience.Good communication skills and ability to multitask.English at B2-C1 level; knowledge of Russian or Greek is a plus.What We Offer:Pay: €8.5/hour + tips.Work in a friendly and professional team.Modern uniforms and delicious meals during shifts.📧 Apply by sending your resume to📱 WhatsApp
09.02.2025 20:54,
Limassol, Limassol - Mesa Geitonia
Salary is negotiable