Tourist land 24829 m²

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The property has a total surface of 24,829 sqm and is located within the administrative boundaries of Perivolia Municipality.
The property is an ideal investment for tourist or residential development near the sea.
The asset falls within the Touristic Planning Zone T2α with the following density and coverage coefficients:
Hotels: building density coefficient of 45% and a coverage coefficient of 20% over 3 floors, and with 13.10 meters max height.
Tourist Villages/Tourist Residential Units: building density coefficient of 40% and a coverage coefficient of 20% over 2 floors, and with 8.30 meters max height.
Residential: building density coefficient of 20% and a coverage coefficient of 20% over 2 floors, and with 8.30 meters max height.
The location is conviniently placed near the city of Larnaka, the airport and in proximity with Nicosia (40 min drive).
Technical inspection:HOME 96 504 296
Legal inspection:CTA LAW FIRM C.T. Antoniou & Co 357 22 516 838
Technical 22 377 004
Legal inspection:M.PARASCHOU LAW Advocates & Legal 22 622 262
Technical inspection:SQUARE 99 592 218
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