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  • Top Ad
    Πωλητής έμπειρος σε ξύλινα δάπεδα
    ζητείται από εταιρεία με τρία καταστήματα ξύλινων δαπέδων στην Κύπρο πωλητής Έμπειρος που να έχει ξαναδουλέψει σε Ξύλινα δάπεδα και να μπορεί υπεύθυνα να αναπτύξει τις πωλήσεις. Αποστείλετε βιογραφικό υποχρεωτικά ή τηλεφωνική επικοινωνία
    George, Yesterday 14:54, Nicosia, Strovolos - Dasoupolis
    Sales » Sales managers
  • Top Ad
    Η εταιρεια PURE TASTE SANDWICH με εδρατην Λεμεσο ζητα να προσλαβει πωλητη-διανομεα δια περιπτερα και καφετεριες Η εταιρεια μας παρασκευαζει κρυα σαντουιτς και σαλατες και διανεμει σε περιπτερα και καφετεριες.ΜΙΣΘΟΣ+ΠΡΟΜΗΘΕΙΑONLY FOR CYPRIOTS OR GREEK PERSONS
    Christoforos Nicolaou, 01.10.2024 14:01, Limassol, Polemidia Kato
    Sales » Sales managers
  • Πωλητές ανταλλακτικών /λιπαντικών
    Πωλητές Ανταλλακτικών / λιπαντικώνΗ εταιρεία Bike Alert MCA LTD η οποία δραστηριοποιείται στον τομέα των ανταλλακτικών μοτοσικλετών, λόγω συνεχούς ανάπτυξης και επέκτασης των εργασιών της ζητά να προσλάβει Πωλητές Ανταλλακτικών στα καταστήματα μας στην Λευκωσία,▪ Εξυπηρετεί τους πελάτες οι οποίοι επισκέπτονται το κατάστημα ή επικοινωνούν τηλεφωνικώς με την εταιρεία.▪ Λαμβάνει τις παραγγελίες των πελατών μέσω τηλεφώνου ή στο κατάστημα και επικοινωνεί με τους Pickers για την άμεση εύρεση των ανταλλακτικών.▪ Απαντά στις ερωτήσεις και στις απορίες των πελατών.▪ Εξυπηρετεί τον πελάτη με ευγένεια, προθυμία και θετικότητα.▪ Κάνει χρήση των καταλόγων και όλων των εργαλείων offline και online που του παρέχει η εταιρεία.▪ Επικοινωνεί και συνεργάζεται με τους υπόλοιπους συναδέλφους του για να επιτυγχάνεται η εύρυθμη λειτουργία της εταιρείας.▪ Ενημερώνεται συνεχώς για νέα προϊόντα και φροντίζει να ενημερώνει και τον πελάτη για όλες τις επιλογές τις οποίες έχει στη διάθεσή του αναφορικά με τα ανταλλακτικά.▪ Παρακολουθεί τυχόν σεμινάρια ή/και εκπαίδευση που θα του ζητηθεί.Προσόντα:▪ Απολυτήριο Δευτεροβάθμιας Εκπαίδευσης.▪ Προηγούμενη εμπειρία τουλάχιστον ένα χρόνο στη θέση Πωλητή είναι απαραίτητη.▪ Καλή γνώση χρήσης ηλεκτρονικών υπολογιστών.▪ Social media▪ Καλή γνώση της ελληνικής γλώσσας και γνώση της αγγλικής γλώσσας.▪ Ευχάριστη προσωπικότητα, ομαδικό πνεύμα, ικανότητα στην πώληση και προώθηση.▪ Ευγενικό, πρόσχαρο και θετικό άτομο.Άλλες Πληροφορίες:▪ Ωράριο εργασίας, μεταξύ των ωρών 09:00 και 18:00.▪ Προσφέρεται μισθός αναλόγως προσόντων και πείρας.▪ 13ος μισθός.Οι ενδιαφερόμενοι παρακαλούνται όπως αποστείλουν το βιογραφικό ή τα στοιχεία τους στο με τίτλο: “Ανταλλακτικά”
    Bike Alert MCA Ltd, 30.09.2024 06:48, Nicosia, Agioi Omologites
    Sales » Sales managers
  • Ζητουνται πωλητες/ πωλητριες απο λεμεσο για ολες τις πολεις
    Ωραριο Δευτέρα-Παρασκευή 8 π.μ. - 4 μ.μ. Μισθός αναλόγως. Εμπειρία οχι απαραίτητη. Τηλέφωνο Κος Μαριος
    Maria Nikolaou, 24.09.2024 21:27, Limassol, Ypsonas
    Sales » Sales managers
  • Sales promoters marketing
    Πωλητές/τριες για εταιρεία Πωλήσεων, Marketing και Διαφήμισης (Λαρνακα Αμμόχωστο Λευκωσία) • Ανταγωνιστικές απολαβές • Θετικό κλίμα • Άμεση ανάπτυξη • Ευελιξία προγράμματος που μπορεί να είναι κατόπιν συνεννόησης • Άμεση ανέλιξη σε διοικητικές θέσεις εντός 180 ημερών συστηματικής δουλειάς και στρατηγικής (αφορά για όσους θέλουν καριέρα ). • Εκπαίδευση 100% εντός 5 ημερών από εξειδικευμένους HR Leaders της εταιρείας.. Σημ. Πιστοποιητικό Αναγνωρίσεις από CEO-Founder/ Entrepreneurs Full time/part time
    ARIS, 24.09.2024 08:35, Larnaca, Larnaka - Kamares
    Sales » Sales managers
  • Πωλητης
    Η εταιρεία A&C Mousoulides Ltd ζητά να προσλάβει πλασιέ με έτοιμο δρομολόγιο. Άντρας η Γυναίκα ▪️Μισθό + Προμήθεια + Bonus ▪️13ος μισθός ▪️Πενθήμερο + 2 Σάββατα το μήνα Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες καλέστε στο
    Stavros, 21.09.2024 10:18, Nicosia, Nicosia - Ag. Antonios
    Sales » Sales managers
  • Ταμίας
    Ταμίας Αρμοδιότητες Ταμία• Ευγένεια και εξυπηρέτηση.• Εξυπηρέτηση πελατών (Διασφάλιση υψηλών επιπέδων ικανοποίησης πελατών παρέχοντας πληροφορίες και απαντήσεις στα ερωτήματα τους)• Διαχείριση ανοίγματος και κλεισίματος ταμείου (διαχείριση συναλλαγών με πελάτες με χρήση ταμείων) • Γνωρίζει όλα τα προϊόντα που υπάρχουν στην επιχείρηση . • Είσπραξη πληρωμών με μετρητά ή πιστωτικές κάρτες .• Έκδοση αποδείξεων, επιστροφών χρημάτων, ρέστα• Τοποθέτηση προϊόντων σε σακούλες • Προώθηση προϊόντων και ενημέρωση καινούργιων προϊόντων και προσφορών .• Επίλυση παραπόνων πελατών,( καθοδήγησή τους και παροχή σχετικών πληροφοριών)• Διαχείριση επιστροφών και ανταλλαγών εμπορευμάτων• Ανεφοδιασμός ψυγείων και ραφιών με προϊόντα(τοποθέτηση προϊόντων στα ράφια και ψυγεία).• Ενημέρωση τιμών στο ράφι(σάρωση προϊόντων και διασφάλιση ότι η τιμή είναι σωστή)• Να φροντίζει για την καθαριότητα του χώρου(καθαριότητα τον ραφιών και του καταστήματος)Προσόντα και δεξιότητες υποψηφίου Απολυτήριο Λυκείου Καλή γνώση ελληνικής και αγγλικής γλώσσας Γνώστης Η/ΥΕντιμότητα / Ευχάριστη προσωπικότητα / Ομαδικό πνεύμαΠροηγούμενη εμπειρία θα θεωρείτε πλεονέκτημαΆδεια οδήγησηςΩφελήματα Η εταιρεία μας προσφέρει ελκυστικό πακέτο αποδοχών με δυνατότητα ανέλιξης εντός της επιχείρησης(Μισθολογικές αυξήσεις θα παρέχονται μετά από αξιολόγηση της απόδοση του εργαζομένου).Επιλογή Πενθήμερης ή Εξαήμερης εργασίας Bonus κάθε ΧριστούγενναBonus κατά την επίτευξη στους στόχους τουΠαροχή 1 ροφήματα δωρεάν στην κάθε βάρδια του Παρέχεται 10% έκπτωση σε όλα τα είδη του καταστήματος εκτός από τα καπνικά, γάλα, ψωμί, λαχεία και κάρτες.Στον κάθε εργαζόμενο θα παρέχεται συνεχής εκπαίδευση στο χώρο μας σε όλους τους τομείς της επιχείρησης, ούτος ώστε να μπορεί να έχει την ευκαιρία ανέλιξης η οποία θα εξαρτάται αποκλειστικά από τον ίδιο αν δείξει την απαιτούμενη αφοσίωση και ζήλο.
    Costas, 20.09.2024 17:07, Paphos, Pegeia
    Sales » Sales managers
  • Ατομο για εξυπηρετηση πελατων σε ζαχαροπλαστειο.
    Νικόλας Νικολάου, 19.09.2024 12:42, Nicosia, Strovolos - Stavros
    Sales » Sales managers
  • Assistant office manager - limassol
    The role of the Assistant Office Manager is to assist the Office Manager in all aspects of the day to day activities of the office including: - Supervise and manage all daily operations of the RE/MAX office- Recruitment of Sales Agents- Coach and supervise daily the Sales Agents in sales and negotiation techniques- Able to work with sales targets- Monitor and approve all sales procedures- Cultivate a supportive and productive relationship with internal & external partners- Develop and expand Company's client base- Work with the Management and other RE/MAX colleagues towards the Companies visionRequirements- Experienced Salesperson with good negotiating skills - Experience in Real Estate is a great advantage- A minimum of 3 years working experience as a Salesperson- University Degree in relevant field or Business Administration- Proven ability to lead and motivate a team of dynamic Sales Associates & staff- Able to communicate effectively with staff, Sales Associates and customers at all levels- Fluent in Greek and English, spoken and written- MS Office and Computer Literate- Good knowledge and/or experience in Land registry procedures is an advantageWorking Hours: Monday – Friday – 08:30 – 13:00 / 14:30 – 18:00
    REMAX Cyprus, 19.09.2024 09:19, Limassol, Agios Athanasios
    Sales » Sales managers
  • Remote sales account manager
    Position: Remote Client Acquisition (Commission-Based) Russian Language. this Is Not ForexAre you a motivated individual with a knack for building relationships and a passion for supporting clients? We are seeking dynamic and driven agents to join our team. This fully remote, commission-based role offers the flexibility to work from anywhere while helping clients achieve their goals.Key Responsibilities:Actively seek out and engage potential clients through various channelsBuild and maintain strong relationships with clients to ensure satisfaction and repeat businessProvide exceptional support to clients, addressing their needs and resolving issues promptlyCollaborate with the team to develop and implement effective client acquisition strategiesMeet and exceed monthly and quarterly sales targetsRequirements:Proven experience in sales, client support, or a related fieldExcellent communication and interpersonal skillsStrong organizational and time management abilitiesSelf-motivated with a results-driven approachBenefits:Fully remote position with flexible working hoursCompetitive commission structure with uncapped earning potentialOpportunity to growAccess to training and development resourcesNote: The name of our company will be disclosed to qualified candidates during the interview process.If you are a proactive individual with a passion for sales and client support, we want to hear from you! Apply now by sending your resume and a brief cover letter outlining your experience and why you are the perfect fit for this role.
    Stepan, 12.09.2024 13:16, Limassol, Limassol - Agia Fyla
    Sales » Sales managers
  • Sales for b2b clients
    Online marketing and IT company based in Limassol is looking for B2B sales, to onboard new clients and maintain the exiting customers relationship.
    Raphael, 12.09.2024 11:23, Limassol, Limassol - Neapolis
    Sales » Sales managers
  • German speaking part time telesales / account manager
    Our client is a consulting company based in Limassol, Cyprus, supporting their client, a German energy service provider with its b2b sales activities. For them, energy is a responsibility, their expertise, a challenge and a passion at the same time. They do everything they can every day to ensure that the customers of their German business client ultimately have the best product for them: an all-round, worry-free product energy package consisting of favorable energy contracts, well-conducted negotiations, excellent framework agreements, meticulous checked invoices and never missed notice periods again. Their German business clients customers save thousands of Euros per year due to their best prices strategy based on our German clients purchasing power. Their German clients company has been providing ever-growing success since the 20th century years for maximum transparency and efficiency when purchasing affordable electricity and gas for their corporate clients. The customers are small to medium-sized companies in Germany.Job ResponsibilitiesTake care of the acquisition and advice of business clients regarding their energy contracts.Building relationships with clients over phone communication.RequirementsIndependent, structured and flexible working is one of your strengths.You have negotiation skills and persuasive and have fun to sell.Customer-oriented way of thinking and working complete your profile.Home office optionalExcellent knowledge of the German languagePrevious experience in a similar role will be considered an advantage
    Golden Careers Recruitment, 10.09.2024 16:16, Limassol, Limassol - Agios Nicolaos
    Sales » Sales managers
  • Sales assistant limassol - nicosia
    Our client is an international clothing brand with stores in Cyprus, currently looking to hire Sales Assistants. They’re looking for someone with excellent customer service and communication skills as well as love for the fashion industry.Job ResponsibilitiesEnsuring that you maximise sales on the floorFollow up the VM standards in order to ensure that our products are displayed according to company guidelines, promotional activity and seasonal trends.Cooperate with the rest of team for providing the best customer experienceEnsuring our store routines, policies and guidelines are followedActing as a role model using company valuesSet and achieve personal sales goals while supporting the team’s onesGreet customers in a timely, professional and engaging mannerUnderstand and communicate the latest fashion trends in the industry having specific knowledge on new designer and current runway collectionsProvide honest and confident feedback to customers regarding merchandise style and fitBuild lasting relationships with customers by following up on purchases, suggesting new merchandise and inviting them to upcoming eventsConsistently seek new fashion and product knowledge in order to act as an expert for the customerWork as a team player to ensure each customer receives the best service possiblePerform daily store maintenance tasks regarding stock management, visual merchandising, store displays, price markdowns, cleaning etc.RequirementsProven ability to set and achieve sales goalsCompetitive drive and entrepreneurial confidence to succeed in a commission-based environmentDemonstrated ability to develop relationships with customers and co-workersKnowledgeable and enthusiastic about premium designer fashionAbility to positively and proactively handle customer concernsAbility to prioritise multiple tasksAbility to quickly learn new procedures and processesStrong organisational skillsExcellent communication and interpersonal skills
    Golden Careers Recruitment, 10.09.2024 15:03, Limassol, Limassol - Agios Nicolaos
    Sales » Sales managers
  • Hindi partners manager
    Our client is a global organisation rapidly expanding to meet the demands of our ever-growing clientele base. Their Cyprus office, is just starting up, presenting a unique opportunity to be a founding member and work actively within the core of the business. With this, internal growth is not only welcomed but also encouraged, providing our employees with the opportunity to grow, develop and succeed in their current role and any future roles they might have. This position offers not only career development opportunities but also the chance to be part of a fun, dynamic team that collaborates to support our clients.The company has offices located in Australia, Singapore, UK, and Cyprus. They are looking for a responsible and detail oriented professional with experience in the Finance and/or Investment industry to join their Partners Manager team in LimassolJob ResponsibilitiesAssisting with the on-boarding of new partners and clients via live chat, telephone and emailRelationship management with new and existing Partners to build loyaltyAcquisition of new partnersContinual Due diligence and monitoring of partners and money managersEducate clients on the company's platforms, trading products, account opening/deposit/withdrawal proceduresWorking with the team to ensure KPI's are metMonthly reports for Partner performanceSupporting and assisting with all departments as requiredProblem solving with a positive and can-do approachOrganizing and managing your work flowReport directly to the Head of Partners TeamRequirementsFluent in verbal and written English to a business standard. Additional languages will be considered an advantageExcellent communication and written skills as well as attention to detailConfident telephone mannerProficient in Microsoft office, specifically ExcelAt least 1 year experience in the Forex industry in a sales/support or similar roleA good understanding of financial markets and preferably foreign exchangeStrong negotiation and pitching skillsGreat listening skillsAbility to work with deadlinesExcellent customer service skillsCompulsory:Work in a regulated environment and observe the guidelines set by the relevant governing bodyA high level of professionalism and personal integrity
    Golden Careers Recruitment, 10.09.2024 14:53, Limassol, Limassol - Agios Nicolaos
    Sales » Sales managers
  • Hindi partners manager
    Our client is a global organisation rapidly expanding to meet the demands of our ever-growing clientele base. Their Cyprus office, is just starting up, presenting a unique opportunity to be a founding member and work actively within the core of the business. With this, internal growth is not only welcomed but also encouraged, providing our employees with the opportunity to grow, develop and succeed in their current role and any future roles they might have. This position offers not only career development opportunities but also the chance to be part of a fun, dynamic team that collaborates to support our clients.The company has offices located in Australia, Singapore, UK, and Cyprus. They are looking for a responsible and detail oriented professional with experience in the Finance and/or Investment industry to join their Partners Manager team in LimassolJob ResponsibilitiesAssisting with the on-boarding of new partners and clients via live chat, telephone and emailRelationship management with new and existing Partners to build loyaltyAcquisition of new partnersContinual Due diligence and monitoring of partners and money managersEducate clients on the company's platforms, trading products, account opening/deposit/withdrawal proceduresWorking with the team to ensure KPI's are metMonthly reports for Partner performanceSupporting and assisting with all departments as requiredProblem solving with a positive and can-do approachOrganizing and managing your work flowReport directly to the Head of Partners TeamRequirementsFluent in verbal and written English to a business standard. Additional languages will be considered an advantageExcellent communication and written skills as well as attention to detailConfident telephone mannerProficient in Microsoft office, specifically ExcelAt least 1 year experience in the Forex industry in a sales/support or similar roleA good understanding of financial markets and preferably foreign exchangeStrong negotiation and pitching skillsGreat listening skillsAbility to work with deadlinesExcellent customer service skillsCompulsory:Work in a regulated environment and observe the guidelines set by the relevant governing bodyA high level of professionalism and personal integrity
    Golden Careers Recruitment, 10.09.2024 14:53, Limassol, Limassol - Agios Nicolaos
    Sales » Sales managers
  • Sales manager in pahos, full-time
    We are hiring:Sales ManagerMain requirements:• Fluent written and spoken English (necessarily).• Experience of work in a call center (preferably, but not necessarily).• Confident PC user and good Microsoft Office skills.• Personal skills: good communication skills, open minded, negotiation skills.Main duties:• Selling company's products.Working conditions and schedule:• Mon-Thu, from 4:30 PM to 1:00 AM, Fri - from 4:15 PM to 00:15, including 45 min break. This schedule is due to the fact that our company is focused on working on the USA market.• Getting from the office is at the expense of the company.Salary: NET 1300 euros + bonus, after 3 months - NET 1400 euros + bonus.We consider candidates with a work permit and based in Paphos. Students are welcome
    Kateryna, 10.09.2024 12:01, Paphos, Paphos - Agios Theodoros
    Sales » Sales managers
  • Shop assistant ru and en
    We're looking for motivated individuals to join our team! Explore exciting opportunities with us—no prior experience required. Join a dynamic environment and kick-start your career with Punin Group.Responsibilities:Assisting customers by choosing productsEnsure high serviceAchievement of personal and group sales goalsParticipation in planned inventories of goods in the storePrevious experience in the same role (will be plus)Requirements:Work permit in CyprusProficiency in English Good communication skills and customer friendly attitudeWhat we offer:Competitive salary and benefits packageOpportunities for career growth and professional developmentThe chance to make a significant impact on the company's growthWe appreciate your interest in joining our team and look forward to reviewing your application.Apply:
    Kate, 05.09.2024 12:01, Limassol, Historical Center
    Sales » Sales managers
  • Πωλητήs μεταχειρισμένων αυτοκινήτων - sales executive
    ASG CARS- Πωλητήs Μεταχειρισμένων Αυτοκινήτων – Κατάστημα Πωλήσεων Κάτω ΠάφουΗ ASGCARS δηλώνοντας ισχυρό παρών στο νέο και συνεχώς μεταβαλλόμενο περιβάλλον της αυτοκίνησης, επιθυμεί να διευρύνει την ομάδα του τμήματος πωλήσεων, μεταχειρισμένων αυτοκινήτων και αναζητά Πωλητή Μεταχειρισμένων Αυτοκινήτων (Κατάστημα Πωλήσεων Κάτω Πάφου) Εάν σου αρέσει ένα δυναμικό, ευχάριστο και συνεχώς εξελισσόμενο περιβάλλον τότε περιμένουμε την αίτησή σου για τη θέση.Απαραίτητα Προσόντα• Προϋπηρεσία τουλάχιστον 3 ετών στον τομέα των πωλήσεων, ιδανικά στον χώρο του αυτοκινήτου• Άριστες επικοινωνιακές και διαπραγματευτικές δεξιότητες• Προσανατολισμός στην επίτευξη στόχων• Πελατοκεντρική αντίληψη• Πολύ καλή γνώση Η/Υ• Καλή χρήση CRM συστημάτων• Επαγγελματική παρουσία• Αγάπη για το αυτοκίνητοΠαροχές• Ανταγωνιστικό πακέτο αποδοχών που περιλαμβάνει 13 μισθούς και προμήθεια, • Ευκαιρίες επαγγελματικής εξέλιξης και ανάπτυξης εντός της εταιρείας• Υποστηρικτικό και φιλικό περιβάλλον με άμεση επαφή με τη διοίκηση του Ομίλου• Ένα δυναμικό και απόλυτα επαγγελματικό περιβάλλον• Πλήρης εκπαίδευση και υποστήριξηEάν είστε ενθουσιασμένοι με αυτόν τον ρόλο και μοιράζεστε τις αξίες μας, τότε παρακαλούμε στείλτε το βιογραφικό σας ASG Cars -Sales Executive- Kato Paphos Sales Outlet At ASG Cars we are dedicated to building a diverse, inclusive and authentic workplace.As a Sales Executive you'll have the drive to deliver outstanding and trusted experiences for our customers.As part of a successful group, you'll broaden your experience and with the right support from us, you'll be able to progress as high as you can aim. •Interact with customers to understand their needs and preferences, proposing suitable products based on their requirements•Take your customers on a journey from initial welcome through to negotiation and handover of their purchased vehicle•Recommend any appropriate add on products that meet customer requirements•Ensure the effective use of customer enquiry and reporting management systems• Adhere to ASG Cars sales processes and regulationsSkills and qualificationsIf you care about delivering great experiences as much as we do, we want to hear from you.•Experience in Sales,•Ability to provide a first-class customer service with energy and enthusiasm,•An effective multitasker who is methodical and efficient, •Has a genuine desire to help people and the team•Attention to detail,•Excellent listening and communication skills•Bilingual (Greek English)•Full Cyprus or EU driving licenceWhat We Offer:• Competitive compensation package which includes 13 salaries and commission• Opportunities for career development and growth within the company• A supportive and friendly environment with direct contact to the management of the Group. So, if you’re excited about this role and you share our values to deliver great experiences through fresh thinking and working better together, we encourage you to apply.
    Andy Spyrou Group, 05.09.2024 10:15, Paphos, Paphos - Kato Paphos
    Sales » Sales managers
  • German speaking part time telesales / account manager
    Our client is a consulting company based in Limassol, Cyprus, supporting their client, a German energy service provider with its b2b sales activities. For them, energy is a responsibility, their expertise, a challenge and a passion at the same time. They do everything they can every day to ensure that the customers of their German business client ultimately have the best product for them: an all-round, worry-free product energy package consisting of favorable energy contracts, well-conducted negotiations, excellent framework agreements, meticulous checked invoices and never missed notice periods again. Their German business clients customers save thousands of Euros per year due to their best prices strategy based on our German clients purchasing power. Their German clients company has been providing ever-growing success since the 20th century years for maximum transparency and efficiency when purchasing affordable electricity and gas for their corporate clients. The customers are small to medium-sized companies in Germany.Job ResponsibilitiesTake care of the acquisition and advice of business clients regarding their energy contracts.Building relationships with clients over phone communication.RequirementsIndependent, structured and flexible working is one of your strengths.You have negotiation skills and persuasive and have fun to sell.Customer-oriented way of thinking and working complete your profile.Home office optionalExcellent knowledge of the German languagePrevious experience in a similar role will be considered an advantage
    Golden Careers Recruitment, 04.09.2024 07:32, Limassol, Limassol - Agios Nicolaos
    Sales » Sales managers
  • Ads in category «Sales managers» in the other city

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